Milena BERA
West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Faculty of Economy, Szczecin, Poland
The main research objective was to find out the state of preservation of historic religious buildings on the example of the Historic Monument Area “Kolbacz – the foundation of a former Cistercian monastery, later summer residence of the Pomeranian dukes and state domain” and to analyse the role that historic religious buildings played and still play in the Stare Czarnowo municipality, in the context of the contemporary shaping of the sacral landscape. The paper uses the method of literature analysis and synthesis, the in-depth interview method and the analysis of statistical data. In addition, a questionnaire survey was conducted using a questionnaire sheet. The research carried out showed that the sacred landscape in the Stare Czarnowo municipality represents a special kind of space of high spiritual value and connects the roots and tradition of the ancestral Christian faith. Religious monuments played and still play an important role in this area. However, the buildings that make up the former Cistercian monastery are in a poor state of preservation. Restrictions on the enjoyment of its cultural potential, bring with them numerous difficulties for parishioners. The review of the collected empirical material and the presented research allow the Author to conclude. The preservation of the sacral monument in the Stare Czarnowo commune requires actions aimed at its comprehensive renovation. This will allow the most important monuments of sacral heritage in the region to be exhibited in the future.