Analysis of the Stability of Russian Banks and the Banking System in the Context of International Sanctions


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia


International economic sanctions imposed by a number of Western countries on doing business with individual Russian
banks lead to a change in the configuration of banking activities and a shift in the priorities of its development. The
authors investigated changes in the economic behavior of each Russian bank under sanctions and identified the features
of neutralizing these problems. The general conclusion was the reorientation of resource sources from the international
market to the domestic Russian one. Apart from that, additional support to these banks was provided at the expense of
moral administrative resources on the part of state authorities, and the entire banking system due to additional injections
into bank capital. As a result, the triggered risk of sanctions for most banking entities did not lead to any serious
difficulties in running their business, and thus the model of sanctions related to restrictions on access to the international
capital market failed to cause delays in their development, but on the contrary, stimulated the search for new internal

Keywords: Banks Under Sanctions, The International Interbank Market, Bank Stability.