Science Parks and Their Relationship with Universities ─ Challenges and Opportunities Case: Győr First Science Park

Alicja Katarzyna KRZEPICKA

Szechenyi Istvan University, Gyor, Hungary,


For half a century numerous countries have established science parks and/or technology districts. Science parks are generally established with the aim to strengthen science and technology relations to universities. Recently science parks have played a very important role in the development of the Hungarian economy as well, and the government, local governments and universities have also paid special attention to them. In this paper (1) we attempt to summarize the term of ‘science park’ based on international and Hungarian scientific literature, highlighting that the notion has become part of public knowledge, but the exact interpretation of its definition is still subject to discussions. Then (2) our aim is to give a brief overview of science parks with their different types and (3) to analyze the relationship between science parks and universities. Finally (4) we present the features of the Győr First Science Park to be established at the University of Győr (SZE).

Keywords: science parks, terminology, concept, universities, case study