Faculty of Management and Production Engineering, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland;
The Covid-19 pandemic affect different areas of the companies and universities activities. In this paper, we concentrate on the implications of pandemic situations in the academic environment. The main objective of the paper is to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on the organization of student internships in the business environment. The qualitative research was conducted among 30 Polish students based on the on-line structured individual interview technique. The research results show that the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the organization of student internships is important. Interviewees stated that it is more difficult to find an internship during the Covid-19 pandemic. 3 types of internships during the pandemic were identified: remote, on-site, and hybrid one. From students’ perspective, on-site internships are more effective. The experience gathered from an internship is greater if it is conducted on-site when students are fully involved in the processes and culture of the organization. However, majority of the interviewees prefer hybrid operating mode. Most of students were satisfied with their internships regardless of how their internship were delivered. Recognition of students’ evaluation of the organization of internships during Covid-19 pandemic in the Polish context can contribute to the theory of education sciences. Our results can be also useful for HR managers and universities in developing strategies concerning the successful organization of internship in pandemic situation.