University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland


This paper presents that the Covid-19 outbreak haven’t necessarily changed the way how the company might be perceived by its employees and they easily settled down in a new reality. The aim of this study was to analyze the potential impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on how the employees self-assess their own company and if this perception has changed due to the pandemic. The case study approach has been used to present the results of two comparative surveys conducted in the same company before and during the pandemic. The results were embedded in the context of similar studies conducted in Poland to assess the nature of COVID-19 impact on the remote work as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the remote work as such. The results haven’t indicated a clear negative nor positive COVID-19 impact on the employees’ perception regarding the organization they are employed at. Even if the pandemic might affect negatively the overall self-perception, this could be temporarily mitigated by other non-material benefits (like the ability to work from home). This survey should be considered as an initial step towards further analysis. It seems to be a reasonable statement to assume that the COVID-19 pandemic surprisingly could even have a slightly positive impact on the self-assessment of the work environment, at least short term.

Keywords: Assessment, Covid-19, Employee, Remote Work, Transformation