Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Digital Maturity Assessment Criteria for Enterprises Implementing Industry 4.0

Research in Information Technology - Transformations and Challenges Across Industries: 40ISM 2022
Implementing solutions in line with the Industry 4.0 concept, digital transformation, and reliance on new technological trends are opportunities to survive in the difficult conditions of a turbulent environment of manufacturing companies and changes caused by, e.g., the coronavirus pandemic, international conflicts, or even wars.…

Managing Lebanese SMEs During the Pandemic and The Financial Crisis: A Quantitative Research

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Organizational Management: COVID40MGT 2022
Nowadays, the Lebanese SMEs are facing the outbreak of two unanticipated crises, the Covid-19 pandemic and the financial collapse. This is perhaps a convenient time to witness the defense tactics used by their owners that will make them either soar or collapse at the end.…

Full Stack Development – Software Development for The Full Development Stack Using the Example of a Lesson Planning System

Mobile Application Design, Testing, and Development: 40SE 2022
In this paper, the authors describe the process of software development, an example of which is a system for planning teaching activities. It describes how the ICT system was programmed, starting with the database, service layer and facades, followed by the creation and deployment of…

Intellectual Innovation in The Manufacturing Enterprise – Case Study

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
The article presents the innovation assessment of company from the fertilizer and chemical industry as an example. The study has shown that it has a high level of intellectual innovation and a medium level of technological innovation. The intention of this article is a representation…

Management of Quality in Logistics Centers of The Middle Pomerania Region

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
Logistics Centers (LCs) are an important part of the modern logistics system, and their selection by customers has become a key issue in logistics and supply chain management. Integrating the economic, environmental and social dimensions of sustainability, the article presents a new LCs quality assessment…

Human Interaction with Artificial Intelligence

Methods and Applications in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: 40AI 2022
Artificial Intelligence is penetrating our everyday lives more often, an evolutionary step to increase human productivity. Socially oriented human beings have been shown to achieve greater work efficiency when their AI counterparts respond in ways that better mimic human behavior. Paper is a review exploring…

Analysis of the Impact of Spare Parts Availability on Information Flow in The Supply Chain

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
Analysis of management and information flow in an enterprise and its supply chain is an extremely complex issue. The specificity of manufacturing companies, which guarantee the continuity of production by ensuring the availability of spare parts for production needs, is a very complex research problem.…

Promotion of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to The North American Market by Shenzhen DJI Innovation Technology Co., Ltd

Research in Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategies - Global Perspectives: 40MKT 2022
The global market for unmanned aerial vehicles has been growing rapidly for over 10 years, and the market is forecast to continue to grow strongly in the coming years. The centers of development of the unmanned aerial vehicles market today are the markets of North…

Visualization of Air Quality Movement for Health Care Sector

Research in Information Technology - Transformations and Challenges Across Industries: 40ISM 2022
In 2020, A new form of coronavirus pneumonia has ravaged the world. The epidemic has not only hit the economy hard, but has also had a significant impact on air quality. COVID-19 virus' primary target is the human respiratory system. Air quality is most relevant…

Preparation Laboratory Experiment for Medical Transportation with Drones – Switzerland

Research in Information Technology - Transformations and Challenges Across Industries: 40ISM 2022
The healthcare sector in Switzerland is under big pressure concerning cost efficiency. Modern technologies such as drones aim for an improvement of this efficiency. In order to get an idea of the applicability of the use of drones in Healthcare in Switzerland, we conducted the…
