Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Logistic Distribution Centre’s – An Element Supporting the Activities of The Organization

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
The problem of organization and building efficiency in distribution centers is currently a significant aspect affecting both economic and military security of the local community, as well as countries and global regions. Building efficiency based on knowledge, constant improvement is the key here. The optimal…

Predicting Corporate Bankruptcy Using Altman Z’-Score and Ratio Analysis in The Manufacturing Sector: Evidence from The Italian Case

Research in Financial Markets, Regulation, and Corporate Finance in a Changing Landscape: 40FIN 2022
Altman Z-score has been subjected to many revisions over the years. However, it is not free from criticalities and practical inefficiencies, especially in relation to the financial ratios which characterize the basic structure of the Score itself. The purposes of this study are to verify…

Voice Recognition Applied to Real Estate mCRM

Trends in Digital Marketing and Consumer Behavior: 40eMKT 2022
At a time when digital transformation is mandatory for business sustainability and the real estate industry is no exception. The use of mobile customer relationship managers (mCRM) has proven to be an essential tool for brokers in this process, since they work in a highly…

Visual Merchandising in The Showroom of Mobile Operators on The Polish Market

Research in Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategies - Global Perspectives: 40MKT 2022
The main task of Visual Merchandising (VM) is to create the perfect shopping conditions for the customer, provide the products with the best possible exposure, and thus generate the highest possible turnover. This task is not an easy art. It requires regular work with the…

Agriculture In the Southeast Region of Romania: An Outlook of Farms and Employees

Trends in Agriculture Economies in Eastern Europe: 40AGRI 2022
The analysis of Romania's agricultural sector is a current topic, being studied over time from different points of view and through the prism of different impact factors. The paper proposes an assessment of the agricultural potential of the South East Development Region of Romania, from…

Personal Security in Contemporary Human Reality

Security, Regulation, and Legal Frameworks in the Digital Age: 40LAW 2022
Człowiek utożsamia bezpieczeństwo z zaspokojeniem własnych potrzeb oraz z wolnością od lęku i pewnością, że pojawiające się zagrożenia zostaną zminimalizowane przez powołane do tego instytucje. Obszar badawczy bezpieczeństwa personalnego jest nie tylko wartościowy poznawczo, ale spełnia funkcję pewnego postulatu uporządkowania refleksji nad bezpieczeństwem personalnym. W…

Communication In a Social Security Threat Situation

Security, Regulation, and Legal Frameworks in the Digital Age: 40LAW 2022
The term “social security threat” appears rather rarely in publications on security. The terms that readers can normally find include cultural, civilisation and psychosocial threats. The phenomenon of social threats concerns all situations  where there is a risk of loss of life and health, national…

Communication Competences as An Important Element of Social Security

Security, Regulation, and Legal Frameworks in the Digital Age: 40LAW 2022
Modern life means dynamics and variability, and enjoying the benefits of the seemingly unrestricted civilisational development may be burdened with many threats. Human survival and development require the sense of security, which makes flexibility and readiness for continuous change an essential disposition which must be…

Possible Ecological Impact of Varnishes and Paints Used In The Funeral Industry

Security, Regulation, and Legal Frameworks in the Digital Age: 40LAW 2022
One of today’s world’s biggest issues is the impact that various industries have on the environment. In the face of a constantly growing demand for different products, every industry should be concerned about its effect on the natural ecosystem. One of many industry branches facing…

Estimating Financial Risk in The Era of Hyper Volatility

Research in Financial Markets, Regulation, and Corporate Finance in a Changing Landscape: 40FIN 2022
The article presents and conditionally evaluates the effectiveness of the currently used risk estimation method based on the VaR method. The author notes that the changes that have taken place in the global economy in the last decade have resulted in an increase in volatility…
