Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Responsible Research and Innovation in the Strategy of the University of Lodz

Research in Education and e-Learning: 41EDU 2023
The article investigates whether the newly adopted strategy of the University of Lodz (Poland) stays coherent with the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) concept. RRI describes the contemporary approach towards university activity in the field of research and external input of the university. For the…

Bridging the Gap: Teachers’ Empathy and Attitude toward Inclusion in Indonesian Kindergartens Setting

Research in Education and e-Learning: 41EDU 2023
This study examines teachers' attitudes towards inclusion and their empathy on children with special needs in early childhood education settings in Indonesia. The research used Multidimensional Attitudes toward Inclusive Educational Scale (MATIES) consisting of three sub-dimensions: cognitive, affective, and behavioral and Empathy Quotient (EQ) to…

Selected Aspects of The Sustainability Teaching Model Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Issues at Universities

Research in Education and e-Learning: 41EDU 2023
The changing economic reality, unexpected crisis situations and the need to implement the ESG (environmental, social and governance) idea imply the search for methods and forms of teaching. The specific role of universities in this area has been identified. During the conducted literature research, an…

Academic Stress in the Psychological Well-being of Higher Education Students

Research in Education and e-Learning: 41EDU 2023
The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of academic stress on psychological well-being in higher education students. Four hypotheses were generated that dictate whether the physical reaction (h2) psychological reaction (h3) coping and (h4) academic stressors have an influence on the psychological…

Distance Learning as A Strategic Priority of University Education

Research in Education and e-Learning: 41EDU 2023
Distance learning is an active and technological method of education that significantly promotes self-discipline of the individual. That is, a set schedule of course instruction can build self-discipline and commitment. One of the advantages of distance learning is the availability of lessons and information over…

The Educational Situation and Digital Technologies According to The International Commission on The Futures of Education of Unesco

Research in Education and e-Learning: 41EDU 2023
This study analyzes the educational situation and digital technologies from the perspective of the UNESCO International Commission that was created in 2019. A content analysis has been carried out with the Atlas ti program, taking into account the problems, proposals or actions educational and technological…

Forming A System of Inclusive Education: The Interaction of Government and Universities

Research in Education and e-Learning: 41EDU 2023
The basis of the article is the system of any organizational structure or formation adapted to an effective educational system. Our research aimed at identifying an adaptive system: inclusive education is a subsystem in the system of higher education. In Ukraine, the number of children…

Performance of Warsaw Stock Exchange Listed Family Companies during and after COVID-19

Research in Economics, Finance, and Accounting: 41ECO 2023
Most empirical studies indicate superior performance by family firms compared with non-family firms. This is mainly due to the reduction of agency costs, and the long-term orientation of the company's owners, which is conducive to conducting an optimal investment policy, a prudent debt policy, and…

The Impact of Companies’ Financial Results on Investors’ Financial Decisions During The COVID-19 Pandemic in Selected Companies Listed on The Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE)

Research in Economics, Finance, and Accounting: 41ECO 2023
Positive financial results achieved by enterprises should improve market indicators, while negative financial results should affect the deterioration of market indicators. It is important from the point of view of the topic to examine the following hypothesis: There is a significant statistical relation between the…

A Brief Review of RASFF Notifications on Fruit and Vegetables, 1st Semester 2022-2023

Research in Economics, Finance, and Accounting: 41ECO 2023
This paper presents a comparison between the quality of imported food products sold at European, national and Constanța County levels. The alert, information and border rejection notifications sent by the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) have been used in the research, in…
