Milena ILIĆ P., Marko SUBOTIĆ, Svetlana ANĐELIĆ, Bojan S. RISTIĆ and Nevenka POPOVIĆ – ŠEVIĆ
1,5Faculty of Contemporary Arts, Belgrade, Serbia. Information Technology School ITS– Belgrade, Serbia
2HYCU doo (Comtrade) Belgrade, Serbia
3,4Information Technology School ITS– Belgrade, Serbia
Volume 2021 (23),
Article ID 3737221,
Marketing Strategies and Consumer Behavior Trends from Diverse Contexts: 37MKT 2021
Country Club Zdravkovac is a family business that faces numerous barriers to growth, regulation, and financing that companies of the same format face in the Republic of Serbia. The company manages a tourist destination in the field of rural tourism. This paper aims to find a way to help an entrepreneur and its company using survey research on the recognition of their brand and the attitude of the respondents towards the elements of the marketing mix. The research sets certain assumptions in the form of hypotheses and research tasks to explain the research problems, i.e. to systematize the research goals and the realization model. The survey of citizens’ attitudes about the tourist destination Country Club Zdravkovac within the cross-sectional study was conducted in 2020. For collecting data in the survey it was created a questionnaire. We used the chi-square test to find the relationship between the age of the respondents, their educational level and various factors that can affect the level of satisfaction of the elements of the marketing mix of this rural tourism destination.
Keywords: entrepreneur, brand promotion, marketing mix, rural tourism, survey research