David Vrtana and Anna Krizanova
University of Zilina, Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communication Department of Economics, Univerzitna 8215/1, 010 26 Zilina, Slovak Republic
Currently, the field of globalization is expanding among multinational companies. It is the processes of globalization that have a strong impact on individual companies. Those in the world economy create significant differences that can affect the position of companies in the market environment or their competitive position. In connection with the creation of globalization connections, we can also observe a trend in the form of application and use of cooperation strategies. These are most often used between different companies or regions. One of the important components of the implementation of the cooperation strategy is the creation of clusters. In this article, we discuss the significance of a successful Aerospace Valley cluster. The aim of the article is to develop a cluster analysis within the ongoing processes on the basis of relevant and sufficient information. In the analytical part of the article, we will focus on clarifying the main mission and goals of the cluster and identify the entities using the cooperation strategy within the cluster. In order to create a model of cooperation, we also identify ongoing marketing and management processes. Based on all analytical information in the discussion part of the article, we identify a generalization of the model of cooperation. Part of the model will be the identification of individual marketing and management processes. Based on these data, we will provide a generalization of the marketing and management strategy suitable for the application of the cluster brand in a global environment.