Sariga SAJIKUMAR and N. Ajithkumar
Department of Commerce and Management, Amrita School of Arts and Science, Kochi, Kerala, India
Positive psychology is a new field of science in this modern era that can be characterized by the science of positive subjective experiences, positive personality traits and positive organizations that ensure people’s quality of life and well-being. In today’s world, positive psychology has expanded its practical application to a wide range of fields. Beyond a pathological discipline, it can be applied to all aspects of optimal human functioning. The idea has become an inextricable part of our everyday lives, altering our society as well as our overall outlook on life. As an applied science of psychology, we are attempting to apply positive psychological constructs to the marketing arena through this research paper, with a particular emphasis on marketing communications and Sales-force training and development. Positivity as an emotion is an effective tool that encourages progress and accomplishment. Positive psychology approach can be used in marketing for enhancing the well-being of consumer as well as sales force. Application of positive psychology in the communication messages will enhance the marketers’ scope of getting noticed and create a consumer- brand relationship. With regard to sales force management, the application of positive psychology principles in sales force orientation helps to them to flourish. In consumer-centric applications, the concepts of Positive Marketing, Mindful Marketing, and the consumer’s PERMA model are used to explain the application of positive psychology. For sales-force oriented application of Positive Psychology, the concepts of Psycap- HERO MODEL and CHOSE MODEL is applied.