A Solution to Increase Work Efficiency And Quality, By Using A Modular Sound Diffuser, That Determines The Acoustical Climate Conditions At The Workstation


University of Zielona Góra, Poland


Noise is a threat to which every employee is exposed. Depending on the sound level, it can be a source of annoyance as well as have a negative impact on the health of people exposed to this factor of the work environment. This article presents a practical solution to reduce noise levels and, consequently, to improve working conditions and increase productivity. The solution analyzed and tested includes the use of modular sound diverter, which allows to improve the acoustic climate at the workplace. The implementation of this solution, as indicated by the results of measurements, allows to reduce the sound level both in the low frequency range and the audible range. Significant reductions in noise levels were achieved for low frequencies from 1.6 Hz to 6.3 Hz and in the audible range for frequencies from 4000 Hz to 20000 Hz. Reducing the noise level at these frequencies is of considerable importance for shaping the acoustic climate at workplaces. The described solution does not require large financial outlays, which often constitutes a barrier and makes it impossible to undertake solutions aimed at ensuring appropriate working conditions.

Keywords: Labor Productivity, Risks, Noise, Modular Sound Diffuser