Mingzhen Cai and Elena Egorycheva

Department of National EconomyPeoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) Moscow, Russia


Human resource management in modern international companies is a very important component of the entire management system. Если грамотно управлять персоналом, руководство любой компании в небольшие сроки может добиться очень хороших результатов. In the context of the economic crisis caused by COVID-19, personnel management becomes very relevant, as it helps the company to more easily get out of the crisis without losing valuable personnel.

Thus, the study of personnel management in times of crisis becomes very important. In the theory of human resource management, specialists are constantly looking for solutions, ideas, the latest approaches, based on the practical experience of companies.

It is also worth noting that information technology has a very strong impact on personnel management.

Information technology assists in the recruitment process, management of their training, performance management, appraisals, professional development and much more. That is why innovative methods and information technologies in human resource management are becoming the main condition for a company’s success in the international market.

Keywords: Human Resource Management; international company; competitiveness; globalization