The Influence of The Natural Gas Consumption, Occupational Level And Water Consumption on The Rural Households Wellbeing Status: A Synoptically Approach

1Iuliana NICOLAE, 2Andrei Marcel MANOLE, 3Gheorghe Dan ISBĂȘOIU and 4Dumitru NANCU

1,4 Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Doctoral School Economics II, Bucharest, Romania

2 Valahia University, Doctoral School Economics, Targoviste, Romania

3 Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Ploiesti, Romania


Analysis of energy consumption is one of the core elements in studies on sustainable development. In addition to energy consumption, water consumption, waste management, cultural heritage management and biodiversity loss are other key concepts in these studies. So far, energy or water consumption has been studied independently and statistics have been developed on their values in different sectors or territories.

The purpose of this article is to find links between these consumptions, considering them as dependent variables, thus obtaining values of one type of consumption as a function of the variation of other consumptions. The analysis, carried out in a rural area of Romania, is based on the hypothesis of a correlation between energy and water consumption. In addition, it was also considered that the size of the employed or salaried population are determining factors in the variation of water consumption, which led to include these variables in the analysis. The methodology used is based on multi-factor statistical regression, in particular a statistical moderation model was applied, considering the population volume as a moderating element.

The results obtained led to the conclusion that the level of water consumption is dependent on the volume of energy consumed, with the study identifying a value of 3,3 litres of water consumption per person per day per 1 MJ of energy consumed per person per day. In addition, the analysis shows that there is no significant moderating effect, considering population volume as a moderating element.

Keywords: Energy consumption, Natural gas consumption, Water consumption