Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Improving The Food Safety in Constanta County: ANSVSA Controls, Results and Recommendations (2021)

Research Perspectives on Management, Innovation, and Sustainability in Organizations: 39MGT 2022
This paper summarizes the official controls planned and carried out by the Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Directorate of Constanța in the year 2021 and it analyses the non-conformities encountered. According to the conducted research, it was observed that the number of controls planned at…

Pension Literacy And Saving For Retirement Among Generation X: Evidence From Croatia

Contemporary Economic and Financial Issues - A Multifaceted Analysis: 39ECO 2022
Individuals are increasingly being encouraged to take responsibility for their financial well-being, particularly their retirement. Therefore, examining pension literacy is critical, since it helps in sustaining financial security during times of financial fragility. This paper investigates pension knowledge, attitudes and private retirement savings among Generation…

Study On Romania’s Potential in Achieving Agricultural Mountain Products

Sustainable Agricultural Development and Economic Implications in Diverse Regions: 39AGRI 2022
The main objective of this paper is to promote the concept of "mountain product", analyzing the structure of agri-food products from mountain areas and its characteristics, taking into account the fact that mountain products have superior qualities determined by the specifics of the geographical area.…

Advertisements and Their Effectiveness Among Young People: An Example of a Message About Aid Activities Related to The War in Ukraine

Trends and Strategies in Marketing and Consumer Behavior: 39MKT 2022
In the conditions of increasing access to the media, advertising continues to play an important role in the transmission of information. Public service announcement is a special form that aims to induce socially desirable changes, promote positive patterns of behavior, attitudes or draw attention to…

Development of A University Innovation Ecosystem: An Analysis of International Practices, Interaction of Universities, Research Institutions, Industry, Development Institutions and Government Entities

Innovations and Technology-Driven Transformations in Higher Education: 40EDU 2022
Emergence of new challenges related to the climate change, pandemic effects, volatility of the energy and food markets hinder innovation development. In this regard the development of local competencies is becoming critical for the development of effective innovation ecosystem. Improvement of country's competitiveness can be…

A Special Form of Brain-Drain Along the Hungarian Romanian Border: The Cross-Border Commuter Students` Motivations

Innovations and Technology-Driven Transformations in Higher Education: 40EDU 2022
The main area of investigation in migration studies is labour mobility, which nowadays, has been complemented by educational migration with its related topics, such as studying abroad, further education and cross-border commuting to school. Educational migration has a positive effect on the receiving country, while…

Exploring The Role of social media In Higher Education: A Case Study

Innovations and Technology-Driven Transformations in Higher Education: 40EDU 2022
As social media has become omnipresent in our lives we need to understand its role in higher education. Through statistical means, we interviewed students on social media correlations with their studies through the Likert Scale and linked the result to our hypothesis. The results showed…

When The Jobs of The Future Meet Their Key Competencies: An Exploratory Study to Align the Perspective of World Economic Forum And the Occupations in ESCO Database

Contemporary Economic and Financial Issues - A Multifaceted Analysis: 39ECO 2022
In recent years there has been a multiplication of studies and policy documents that put forward priorities for the reskilling of professionals to meet the demands of the future of work. The technological evolution and digital transformation that is being experienced across industries is motivating…

Environmentally Friendly Public Transport

Contemporary Economic and Financial Issues - A Multifaceted Analysis: 39ECO 2022
The problems of the sustainable development of the transport system are currently very important and often analyzed. It is about promoting transport that is efficient, cost-effective and meets the expectations of society. At the same time, such transport should minimize its negative impact on public…

Faces of Corporate Social Responsibility – Coercion Vs Morality

Research Perspectives on Management, Innovation, and Sustainability in Organizations: 39MGT 2022
The corporate social responsibility has become one of the fundamental determinants of organization’s functioning. It has a huge impact on the general morality in the corporate internal and external environment. The genesis and dissemination of this concept have brought many benefits through the observance of…