Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


International Financial Management in Practice: The Case of Chinese Companies

Financial Management, Reporting and Accounting Practices: 39FinACC 2022
Financial management in the company must create an effective system for the movement of financial resources, which are based on the management of economic indicators, such as revenue, cost, profit and profitability of the company. The goal of financial management is to make a profit…

The Essence of Internal Audit and Its Objectives

Financial Management, Reporting and Accounting Practices: 39FinACC 2022
Gdańsk Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa, Wydział

Voluntary Disclosures Based on The Wilhelm Osbahr’ Balance Sheet Theory

Financial Management, Reporting and Accounting Practices: 39FinACC 2022
As a natural consequence of the phenomena occurring in the economic environment of companies, the authors of this article propose additional voluntary disclosures that, over time, may replace other statements that are less relevant to the recipients of the information. At the same time, it…

Determinants of the Intention to Use Mobile Banking Applications

Trends and Strategies in Marketing and Consumer Behavior: 39MKT 2022
This article examines how the hedonic and utilitarian benefits influences satisfaction and trust to generate intention to use in the context of mobile banking. The hypotheses were tested using a sample of 219 mobile banking users, through structural equation modeling with the PLS technique. The…

Support For Sustainable Strategic Management Using SMART Technology: A Managerial Perspective

Research Perspectives on Management, Innovation, and Sustainability in Organizations: 39MGT 2022
The great expansion of intelligent devices used in the fight against the current coronavirus pandemic did not occur until the advent of modern information and communication technologies, making it possible to fight the pandemic faster and more effectively than ever before. The use of intelligent…

Distance Human Resource Management under Uncertainty of Pandemic Era

Trends in Human Resource Management, Employee Engagement and Organizational Performance: 39HR 2022
The paper deals with two recent factors in human resource management – increasing uncertainty and implementing distance technologies. The impact of these factors has been accelerated by the restrictions introduced to stop the COVID-19 pandemic and by the economic consequences of the war in Ukraine.…

Marketing strategies for the development of a company in the international market: The Case of Nice Group company, China

Trends and Strategies in Marketing and Consumer Behavior: 39MKT 2022
The development of existing and the emergence of new players in entrepreneurship contributes to the growth of competition. For a business not only to exist, but also to grow in such conditions, effective planning is necessary. It is expressed not only in the preparation of…

The Impact of The Brand on The Decision of The Romanian Consumer to Buy Pharmaceutical Products

Trends and Strategies in Marketing and Consumer Behavior: 39MKT 2022
Nowadays, in a very complex, competitive and crowded market, brands offer consumers the opportunity to generate their recognition. Thus, we can say that the role of a brand is to identify and differentiate a product or service from other similar products existing in a market.…

The Issue of Overestimating the Final Price in Online Auctions In The Context of User Experience – Based on Selected EEU Markets

Contemporary Economic and Financial Issues - A Multifaceted Analysis: 39ECO 2022
In the article, the authors ask whether and to what extent does the experience of the buyer play a role in overestimating the final price in online auctions (winner's curse). The article, as part of the expert study, defines how the buyer's experience is understood…

Multidimensional Project Portfolio Management in The Context of The Current Covid-19 Situation in The Automotive Industry: A Case Study

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Organizational Management: COVID40MGT 2022
In recent times, the economic situation has changed significantly. The ubiquitous pandemic has caused numerous problems not only with human resources, but also with access to components necessary to produce the final product for the customer. Managing projects or portfolios of projects in the automotive…