Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


A Traditional Literature Review on Physicians’ Dual Practice: Literature Review

Research Perspectives on Management, Innovation, and Sustainability in Organizations: 39MGT 2022
Research motivation: The current study seeks to establish the trends in physician’s dual practice and present existing knowledge gaps that need to be filled based on studies done in other contexts.   Research Design/methodology: The study adopted a desktop literature review method. This involved an in-depth…

Features of Human Resource Management in An International Company

Trends in Human Resource Management, Employee Engagement and Organizational Performance: 39HR 2022
Human resource management in modern international companies is a very important component of the entire management system. Если грамотно управлять персоналом, руководство любой компании в небольшие сроки может добиться очень хороших результатов. In the context of the economic crisis caused by COVID-19, personnel management becomes…

The Sustainable Rural Development Strategies of The North-East Region of Romania

Sustainable Agricultural Development and Economic Implications in Diverse Regions: 39AGRI 2022
In recent decades, Romania has faced enormous challenges in reaching its economic and social potential, in the agri-food and forestry sector, as well as in rural areas. Gross domestic product per capita was and is much lower than the European Union average and significantly lower…

Comparative Research of Managerial Communication In Profit And Non-Profit Romanian Organizations During Covid-19 Times

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Organizational Management: COVID40MGT 2022
The purpose of this paper is to determine the managerial communication optimizing factors in crisis times, with lenses of assertive communication and empowerment through emotional intelligence. By using the communication skills and empathy, also the relationships' creation ability, one may influence other people's behaviors and…

Aspects Regarding the Status of Main Natural Factors and Sustainable Development in Romania

Contemporary Economic and Financial Issues - A Multifaceted Analysis: 39ECO 2022
The importance of sustainable development has started to be acknowledged in Romania as well, once the various pollution sources and the restrictions affecting industrial and agricultural pollution were identified, from an economic and ecological standpoint. Sustainable development represents the need of raising awareness about environmental…

Global Strategic Maritime Infrastructure and its Impact on Shipping Industry and Supply Chains Management

Research Perspectives on Management, Innovation, and Sustainability in Organizations: 39MGT 2022
The main subject of research involves the characteristics and assessment of the quality of technical and operational parameters and the functionality level of the largest oceanic canals which constitute key objects of maritime infrastructure and links in the global supply chains. These are objects of…

Influence of the Economy Structure on Wages and Salaries in The EU Countries

Contemporary Economic and Financial Issues - A Multifaceted Analysis: 39ECO 2022
Wages and salaries determine the standard of living of a society. Society expects ever higher wages and salaries. Therefore, the question arises whether it is possible to restructure the economy in such a way that it will be able to meet these social expectations. This…

Professional Burnout in The Concept of Sustainable Development of The Company

Contemporary Economic and Financial Issues - A Multifaceted Analysis: 39ECO 2022
The concept of sustainable development of the company nowadays comprises the new phenomenon of professional burnout, which so far has been poorly recognized and scarcely considered in the activities of the company. Burnout syndrome is a complex of symptoms of a physical and emotional nature,…

Traditional Instruments for Reducing Human Risk in The Banking Sector

Contemporary Economic and Financial Issues - A Multifaceted Analysis: 39ECO 2022
The aim of this article is to perform a critical evaluation of the theory and practice of human risk management in the contemporary banking system with special focus on post-crisis regulations on capital requirements and banking executives’ remuneration policies. The analysis has shown that traditional…

Globalization As a Factor Influencing Threats in the 21st Century

Challenges and Strategies in Defense, Crisis Management, and Leadership in Military: 40MIL 2022
Globalization is one of the important factors that affects security. Before the Covid process, increasing globalization was noticeable, now it has slightly decreased. This article deals with globalization as a redistribution of its costs and benefits. The following factors were analyzed: political, social and economic…