Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Elements of Management in the Face of Conflicts, Crises, Pandemics and Human Migration

Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Countries Around the World: COVID40ECO 2022
The study presents the functioning of world’s economy in the 21st century, taking into consideration the external environment, a threat of armed conflicts, as well as changes in technology, IT, economy and society. Included economic crises and today’s pandemic. Presented and discussed are worldwide economic…

The Role of Commercial Banks in Industrial Development

Contemporary Economic and Financial Issues - A Multifaceted Analysis: 39ECO 2022
To a significant part, a country's ability to sustain development and growth is determined by several elements, one of which is finance. As a result, it is critical to remember that banking did not emerge as a result of chance, but rather as a result…

The Impact of Lean Management Concept on The Development and Financial Security of Polish Enterprises

Research Perspectives on Management, Innovation, and Sustainability in Organizations: 39MGT 2022
The success or failure of a company is to a large extent dependent on its management, that is either utilizing or wasting possibilities to adjust the company to the rapidly evolving requirements of the environment, which is equivalent to changing stereotypes and old management habits.…

Ethical Aspect of a Contemporary Enterprise: Empirical Evidence from Poland

Research Perspectives on Management, Innovation, and Sustainability in Organizations: 39MGT 2022
The following artcile is devoted to an important contemporary issue, referring to ethical creation of a long-lasting business strategy. The material gathered has made it possible to analyze the key problem through empirical studies. The main goal is to find out whether in contemporary entrepreneurs’…

How Fear Can Inhibit Innovation: Bottlenecks in Change Management and Strategy Development

Research Perspectives on Management, Innovation, and Sustainability in Organizations: 39MGT 2022
We live in troubled times. The social distance imposed by COVID-19, the new limitations of working from home have made people more and more lonely. Loneliness caused them anxiety, fear and blockages. If individuals ignore them, managers can't apologize. One of the elements analyzed in…

Regulatory Challenges of Urban Development in The Russian Federation: The Case of Moscow

Contemporary Economic and Financial Issues - A Multifaceted Analysis: 39ECO 2022
The paper focuses on the regulatory aspect of sustainable development in Russia and presents the results of the research aimed at eliciting major changes in the Russian approach to using natural resources and urban planning influenced by the global tendency.  The subject matter is the…

A Comparative Analysis of The Social Pension System and The Labor Market: The Case of Romania

Contemporary Economic and Financial Issues - A Multifaceted Analysis: 39ECO 2022
The phenomenon of the aging population together with the massive emigration of the labour force represent worrying aspects that affect Romania economically and socially. As social pensions are the main types of social insurance in this country, this paper analyzes the evolution of the average…

Unpacking the “Black Box” of Innovativeness and Innovation: Focus on Tourism Research

Research Perspectives on Management, Innovation, and Sustainability in Organizations: 39MGT 2022
The main purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive analysis of innovativeness and innovation, differences and relationship, with particular focus on tourism research. The terms innovativeness and innovation are frequently used as synonyms, although they substantially differ, which leads studies to provide inconsistent…

The Influence of Organizational Culture on Employees’ Commitment: An Empirical Study In 22 Joint-Stock Commercial Banks in Viet Nam

Research Perspectives on Management, Innovation, and Sustainability in Organizations: 39MGT 2022
This paper is aiming to examine the influence of organizational culture on employee’s commitment in the context of Vietnam’s banking industry. Based on a survey from emplyees of 22 joint-stock commerceial banks in Vietnam, the research confirmed that five factors of organizational culture (including teamwork,…

Importance of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship for The Foreign Economic Relations of Azerbaijan Republic

Contemporary Economic and Financial Issues - A Multifaceted Analysis: 39ECO 2022
Entrepreneurship is one of the most important factors in the formation and development of a market economy, supporting the domestic market. It can solve social problems along with the solution of an important socio-political task - the formation of the middle class, the strengthening of…