Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Dieselgate As the Case of Greenwashing Practices

Research Perspectives on Management, Innovation, and Sustainability in Organizations: 39MGT 2022
The Dieselgate affair spread around the world, thus becoming the largest greenwashing scandal in history, one of the most outrageous white-collar crimes and corporate scandals of recent times. This became an opportunity to discuss the problems of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and related degenerative phenomena…

A Capacity Management Tool for Industrialization Projects

Research Perspectives on Management, Innovation, and Sustainability in Organizations: 39MGT 2022
The allocation of human resources to projects is a critical decision-making process in project management, and it is crucial to the organization’s performance. The paper presents a study developed in an automotive company, focused on industrialization projects, where the project manager can manage more than…

Model Design for The Implementation of Innovative Methods in Companies in The Food Industry According to Size Category

Research Perspectives on Management, Innovation, and Sustainability in Organizations: 39MGT 2022
Today, information and knowledge create a ranking of the most developed countries and economies, transferred through their productivity and performance. By analogy, the new economy today is a flow of innovation and adaptation. It is an economy of innovation, information and new ideas that become…

Intervention Instruments in the Implementation of Public Policies

Contemporary Economic and Financial Issues - A Multifaceted Analysis: 39ECO 2022
In formulating public policy, the proposed objectives are pursued and State intervention instruments are used. The intervention instruments that governments use to implement public policies are known as the mechanisms by which the State intervenes to face a number of challenges, such as: reducing bureaucracy,…

Cluster Development in Romania in a European Context

Contemporary Economic and Financial Issues - A Multifaceted Analysis: 39ECO 2022
Today, cluster development is proving to be an option for more and more entrepreneurs given the competitive and sustainable potential of clusters. Our paper aims to bring to the attention of specialists the cluster development in Western and Eastern Europe, including Romania, to highlight and…

GAFA in the Time of Pandemic: A Performance Analysis

Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Countries Around the World: COVID40ECO 2022
In the last two decades, digital platforms have become digital multiverse hubs, concurrently changing the economy, society, culture and politics. They make our daily lives enormously easier, and they do so by grabbing our attention and constantly collecting more and more data. Not only do…

The Role of Different Forms of Capital in Starting and Developing an Entrepreneurial Venture: The Case of Entrepreneurs in The Beauty Services Industry

Research Perspectives on Management, Innovation, and Sustainability in Organizations: 39MGT 2022
The paper discusses the role of different forms of capital in starting an entrepreneurial venture from the perspective of Croatian entrepreneurs in the beauty services industry. The research presented in this paper aimed to examine how economic capital (financial and material assets), human capital (knowledge…

Using The FMEA Method to Streamline Assembly of The Gearmotor

Research Perspectives on Management, Innovation, and Sustainability in Organizations: 39MGT 2022
This article presents an analysis of the assembly process of the gearmotor, aimed at reducing the time taken to implement it and to eliminate the errors and bottlenecks occurring in selected technological operations for this purpose. To this end, measurements in operating time and the…

Perception Of Ethical Phenomena in Marketing Communication in The Digital Space Within the Slovak Republic: A Qualitative Research

Digital Marketing and Consumer Engagement in the Age of E-commerce and Social Media: 39eMKT 2022
Due to the use of new technologies, there are changes in the business model of individual companies as well as in the electronic support of marketing tools. The constant development of technology and innovation can raise customers' concerns about digital monitoring or loss of privacy,…

Analysis of a Pharmaceutical Company in The Current Economic Life

Research Perspectives on Management, Innovation, and Sustainability in Organizations: 39MGT 2022
The article herein features an analysis of the pharmaceutical company in terms of two main dimensions, theoretical and practical. The theoretical perspective illustrates the general notions about the organization X, while the practical one brings to the foreground the breakdown of the processes and services…