Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


National Fisheries Sector of The Republic of Moldova: An Economic Overview

Sustainable Agricultural Development and Economic Implications in Diverse Regions: 39AGRI 2022
The paper proposes the presentation of specific aspects of the fisheries sector in the Republic of Moldova, related to the development, growth and capitalization of the production of fishery products in aquaculture, given the need for competitive integration on the world market. The study was…

The Interaction of Digital Transformation, Innovation And Environmental Uncertainty on Organizational Resilience

Digital Transformation and Technology Adoption - Trends and Challenges Across Industries: 39ISM 2022
Organizations are forced to develop their resilience to be successful and survive in the market, especially in a highly uncertain environment. The key way to improve organizational resilience is digital transformation, widely considered and analyzed in the scientific and business environment. Similarly, to achieve organizational…

Time Differences in Manual Assembly Performance: An Experimental Study

Research Perspectives on Management, Innovation, and Sustainability in Organizations: 39MGT 2022
The following publication presents an experimental study of manual assembly processes for objects consisting of a small (20-30) number of parts. Based on the study, factors affecting the manual assembly time of individual assemblers were identified. Differences in assembly times for activities requiring high precision…

Study on The Consumption of Milk and Dairy Products in Romania

Sustainable Agricultural Development and Economic Implications in Diverse Regions: 39AGRI 2022
This article proposes a scientific assessment of the consumption of milk and dairy products in Romania. The diversity of the thematic area of the study will allow the realization of some in-depth analyzes on economic and social situation of the population and households. Materials and…

Functions of Agriculture and Rural Areas in View of Energy Management and Ecoservices Development in Poland

Sustainable Agricultural Development and Economic Implications in Diverse Regions: 39AGRI 2022
In the paper, a review of problems of sustainable development in the context of energy resources management and environmental challenges was undertaken with consideration of functions of agriculture and rural areas. The goal of this paper was to show the evolution of agriculture and rural…

The Role of SMES In the Economy: The Case of The Mazowieckie Region at The Background Of Regions in Poland

Contemporary Economic and Financial Issues - A Multifaceted Analysis: 39ECO 2022
The experience of many countries shows that the small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) sector plays a significant role in the economy, primarily influencing the creation of economic growth. The paper presents the results of empirical research undertaken on the development and role of the SME…

Blue Ocean Strategy and Competitiveness of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria: Can Core Competence Mediate?

Research Perspectives on Management, Innovation, and Sustainability in Organizations: 39MGT 2022
The thrust of the study is to examine how consolidated constructs of Blue Ocean Strategy, mediated by core competence, align with MSMEs’ competitiveness. Avalanche of growing researches in strategies and entrepreneurships, notwithstanding, literatures that relate Blue Ocean Strategy to MSMEs’ competitiveness are exiguously scanty; and…

Forecasting Medium-Term Territorial Natural Gas Consumption: An Economic Perspective of Quantitative Research

Evaluating Energy Security, Sustainability, and Innovation in a Global Context: 40NRGECO 2022
This study is aimed to determine how to improve accuracy of natural gas consumption forecasting in medium-term horizon and to improve theory and practice of natural gas time series forecasting. We analyzed and compared classic approaches such as ARIMA, ETS with newer ones THETA, TBATS…

Influence of the Development of Energy Infrastructure from The Southern Macro-Region of Peru on Agricultural Exports to Brazil by Land

Evaluating Energy Security, Sustainability, and Innovation in a Global Context: 40NRGECO 2022
World is advancing to guarantee the access to an affordable, safe, sustainable and modern energy. There are signs that energy is becoming more sustainable and widely available (ONU, s.f.). In this context, the study aims to determine how the development of energy infrastructure from the…

The Green Deal Role for EU Energy Security amid Shifting Geopolitics with Russian Federation

Evaluating Energy Security, Sustainability, and Innovation in a Global Context: 40NRGECO 2022
After the outburst of the Ukrainian war initiated by the Russian Federation the economic cooperation between EU and this country has dramatically shifted under the massive flow of sanctions imposed by the European leadership to the Russian economy. However, given the well-known EU energy dependence…