Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


The COVID-19 Induced Digitalization of the Financial and Business Sectors

Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Countries Around the World: COVID37ECO 2021
Living in a digital world, surrounded by online services and industrial robots, people have often wondered how far can the process of digitalization still continue. Before the COVID-19 pandemic has struck, not many people could have imagined living in a world where social interactions were…

Changes in Feature Importance for European Stock Market Determinants Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic Shock

Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Countries Around the World: COVID37ECO 2021
This paper is a study of the changes in the importance of selected market time series for the determination of the performances of the European equity index caused by COVID-19 pandemic. Equity assets are not the only asset class on the market and their prices…

Rural Communities Development in Ukraine in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic: Socio-Economic Aspects

Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Countries Around the World: COVID37ECO 2021
The author discusses the issues of rural communities development in Ukraine in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this paper is to identify and discuss the socio-economic problems rural communities face on account of the COVID-19 aftermath.  Studies show that residents of…

Sustainable Development during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Opportunities for Ecological Innovation in Russian Regions

Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Countries Around the World: COVID37ECO 2021
The purpose of the study is to reveal the problems of sustainable development during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to justify ecological innovations as an effective way to overcome the negative consequences of the pandemic in the regions of Russia. The authors systematized the…

How Has Covid-19 Pandemic Influenced Online Exam Cheating in Some Countries?

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education and e-learning: COVID37EDU 2021
This study endeavors to know the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on University and college students' online exam dishonesty (i.e., e-cheating) throughout the COVID-19 lockdown amongst university students in Bangladesh during 2020. The author collected the initial data from twenty-three undergraduate college students (ten females…

Implementation of Ergonomic Interventions in Manufacturing Companies in The Era of The Covid-19 Pandemic from The Point of View of Members of Ergonomic Project Teams

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Organizational Management and Human Resources Practices: COVID37MGT 2021
In manufacturing companies, it is more and more often noticeable that a lot of attention is paid to shaping ergonomic working conditions, which translates into increased process efficiency, greater employee satisfaction and optimal adaptation of workstations to the capabilities of employees. Ergonomic interventions are carried…

Hidden Hazards in The Pandemic Era of COVID-19 – Illegal Immigration

Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Countries Around the World: COVID37ECO 2021
Contemporary dimension of illegal immigration is of universal nature and concerns modern states, not only the European ones, which have to deal with a significant influx of external immigration. Migrations, apart from their undeniable benefits, generate, to various extents, threats directed towards social and public…

Hybrid (Combined) Training (Online Training Plus Face-To-Face Training) – A New Stage in The Counterstand Of the Higher Education System to the COVID-19 Coronavirus Infection

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education and e-learning: COVID37EDU 2021
The spread of the new COVID-19 corona virus infection has become a catalyst for the digital transformation of higher educational institutions. Over the past year, higher educational institutions passed the so-called stress test – mobilization and restructuring their activities in emergency conditions and began to…

The Application of Multimodal Texts in On-line Education in the Times of the Covid-19 Pandemic – A Linguistic Analysis of Blogs

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education and e-learning: COVID37EDU 2021
The majority of texts created nowadays is multimodal, which means that verbal language included in such texts is accompanied by other modes of expression, for example images. In order to fully understand messages conveyed by multimodal texts, it is necessary to pay attention to all…

Barriers to Online Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic at Universities in Poland

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education and e-learning: COVID37EDU 2021
The article presents research on the online education during the Covid-19 pandemic at universities in Poland. The aim of the study was to identify barriers to online learning in students’ opinion. The long-term study was conducted in two stages: in June 2020 and in February…