Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Managing Stress During the Coronavirus Among Students from Technical Specialization: A Case Study of Several Universities in Romania

Innovations and Technology-Driven Transformations in Higher Education: 40EDU 2022
COVID-19 pandemic affected everyone around the globe. Countries worldwide implemented strict precautions on education systems and many students experience stress related to changes in lifestyle and online classes.  As we know, the COVID-19 pandemic affects the society emotionally, psychologically and socially, not just medically. This…

Remote Work Preferences and Experiences with Distance Learning – Empirical Research

Innovations and Technology-Driven Transformations in Higher Education: 40EDU 2022
Working remotely is a very important topic, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic, where most industries have had the opportunity to experience it. The main purpose of this paper is to present the advantages and disadvantages of remote work. It also presents the results of empirical…

Assessing Romanian Students’ Digital Skills Based on The Scores at The Baccalaureate Exam

Innovations and Technology-Driven Transformations in Higher Education: 40EDU 2022
Digital skills are not only a major priority but they may become mandatory for an increasing list of jobs in the modern economy facing an increase in automation and extensive inclusion of industrial robotization. Although the IT sector is structurally important in Romania, there is…

Digital Open Government and Transparency in Nigeria: The Constraints and Prospects

Digital Transformation and Technology Adoption - Trends and Challenges Across Industries: 39ISM 2022
Openness and transparency are part of the key pillars of democracy. The emergence of digital technologies has fundamentally enhanced open government and transparency, thus making it easier for citizens to access government information. Digital open government provides an opportunity for states to modernize and transform…

Social Influence and Elderly Smartwatch Adoption: A Case Study

Digital Transformation and Technology Adoption - Trends and Challenges Across Industries: 39ISM 2022
Social influence (SI) is an important factor in adopting wearable technology. In the context of a fast-aging population smartwatches (SWs) have the advantage of responding to specific healthcare and assistance needs, which comes as an advantage when dealing with the older population. This study investigates…

Challenges Faced by Enterprises in Implementing A Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Solution

Digital Transformation and Technology Adoption - Trends and Challenges Across Industries: 39ISM 2022
More and more entrepreneurs decide to implement Robotic Process Automation technology in their companies, which is associated with facing new challenges that arise at this time. Working with RPA technology is difficult, because on the one hand it is developing very dynamically, providing new functionalities,…

The Economic Efficiency as a Main Factor in The Development of Enterprises

Contemporary Economic and Financial Issues - A Multifaceted Analysis: 39ECO 2022
The aim of the article is to define the essence and dependence of enterprise development on economic efficiency. Enterprises operating in the conditions of increasing environmental volatility, increasing uncertainty and risk must look for ways that will enable them to develop in a competitive market…

Studying Competitiveness of Rural Territories In The Conditions of Decentralization: An Economic Analysis And Comparison

Contemporary Economic and Financial Issues - A Multifaceted Analysis: 39ECO 2022
The article studies competitiveness of rural territories on the example of Transcarpathian region in decentralization conditions. The aim of the article is to study competitiveness of rural territories in the conditions of decentralization of power. While conducting the research, the authors used general scientific and…

New Roman Participation, Acceptance, And Motivation of Students to In-Class Game-Based Learning (GBL)

Innovations and Technology-Driven Transformations in Higher Education: 40EDU 2022
This study intends to contribute to the analysis of the use of Game-Based Learning (GBL) platforms, and their effects on the acquisition of skills by students. For the effect reviews, some of the literature reported results to build a theory of competencies acquisitions through GBL.…

The Main Indicators of Rural Development in The South-East Region

Sustainable Agricultural Development and Economic Implications in Diverse Regions: 39AGRI 2022
Agriculture is often defined and seen as a better and prosperous future for generations to come.  Starting from the idea of developing the agricultural sector, turning it into a more efficient, precise, and much more competitive pawn, it is aimed at promoting the use of…