Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Impact of the Technological Pillars of Industry 4.0 On Steel Sector: Analysis Based on Desk and Field Research

Digital Transformation and Technology Adoption - Trends and Challenges Across Industries: 39ISM 2022
The paper presents the impact of the pillars of Industry 4.0 on the steel sector and related sectors, such as: steel customers and distributors. The research problem concerning the implementation of Industry 4.0 in steel enterprises in Poland. The article is based on direct research conducted…

Young People as Suppliers on The Social Media Sharing Market On the Example of Social Economy Students

Digital Transformation and Technology Adoption - Trends and Challenges Across Industries: 39ISM 2022
The sharing economy is a trend that has been systematically developing for years, especially in times of crisis. In turn, social media are platforms that can facilitate this type of transaction. On the one hand, they ensure speed in finding people interested in obtaining goods…

Systemic Analysis of The Convergence of The Agricultural Economy in Relation to The Change of Vectors for Achieving Environmental Conditions

Sustainable Agricultural Development and Economic Implications in Diverse Regions: 39AGRI 2022
This paper aims at a systemic analysis of the convergence of the agricultural economy in relation to the change of vectors for achieving environmental conditions. With the increasing consumption needs of healthy agricultural products, the technological performances used in agriculture have triggered the restoration of…

Models of Planning and Optimization Cropping Plan of The Agricultural Exploitation of Farms in Romania

Sustainable Agricultural Development and Economic Implications in Diverse Regions: 39AGRI 2022
The purpose of this paper is to promote the setting up of farms whose size allow the practice of a viable, sustainable agriculture, capable to apply the newest technologies and lead to profit and efficiency, to the economical and organizational consolidation. The risk is a…

Service Distribution Channel in The Automotive Industry: The Case of Selective Distribution of a Given Car Brand in Poland

Trends and Strategies in Marketing and Consumer Behavior: 39MKT 2022
Placing a technical product on the market means that it must be maintained. Operation means performing activities that prepare the product for use and activities that result from using the product. For this reason, service distribution channels play an important role in the processes of…

The Influence of Satisfaction and Trust in The Digital Loyalty of Digital Banking Service: A Qualitative Research

Digital Marketing and Consumer Engagement in the Age of E-commerce and Social Media: 39eMKT 2022
Electronic commerce has become an essential part of companies; therefore, for more than a decade, researchers have focused on discovering the variables that achieve a satisfactory customer experience. The objective of this study is to know the influence of the satisfaction and trust variables on…

Non-Financial Reporting of Insurance Companies: Case of Croatia

Research Perspectives on Management, Innovation, and Sustainability in Organizations: 39MGT 2022
Over the past few decades increasing number of companies, in addition to financial statements, started to report on information related to environmental, social and personnel issues as well as issues related to human rights and the battle against corruption and bribery. Considering insurance companies are…

The Current State of Internet of Things (IoT) Adoption in Retail: Evidence From Romania Based on The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

Digital Transformation and Technology Adoption - Trends and Challenges Across Industries: 39ISM 2022
The Internet of Things (IoT) will be a defining technology trend of the next decade, having a practical impact in retail. IoT aims to provide people and businesses with intelligent, innovative technologies, in which all the physical objects are interconnected. The implementation of IoT technologies…

Influence of Training and Technical Assistance of Small Farmers from The Southern Macro-Region of Peru on Agricultural Exports to Brazil by Land

Sustainable Agricultural Development and Economic Implications in Diverse Regions: 39AGRI 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the global agri-food sector. Thus, the need to take measures to make food supply chains work and mitigate the risk of disturbances that can affect the world arises. In this regard, FAO urges countries to support the capacity of small…

Cybersecurity Issues Affecting Online Banking and Online Transactions

Digital Transformation and Technology Adoption - Trends and Challenges Across Industries: 39ISM 2022
The banking sector must cope with an increasing number of risks daily since they not just threaten clients' assets and institutions' reputations, but also force banks to retrieve statistics, resulting in significant financial outlays. When discussing cybersecurity threats including malware, spoofing, phishing, or third-party data…