Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Sources of The Competitive Advantage Inside the Business Ecosystems from The Perspective of Polish Entities

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
This paper addresses the issue of competition inside business ecosystems from the perspective of their members. Competitive relations entail different kinds of advantages that business ecosystem members utilize based on their features. The Likert items were used to evaluate sources of those competitive advantages. The…

Selected Safety Issues During The First Wave of The Coronavirus Pandemic at Elementary and Secondary Schools

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education and e-learning: COVID37EDU 2021
The first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic affected run-in motion of schools in the Czech Republic via the decree from the Department of Health. With the effect from 11 March 2020 the attendance of pupils was forbidden at basic and secondary schools and at colleges.…

Digitalization Challenges in The Higher Education Sector in Syria During COVID-19

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education and e-learning: COVID37EDU 2021
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has affected the educational environment globally because of social distancing, selfisolation, and quarantine regime requirements to prevent the epidemic's spread. Higher education institutions have faced many digitalization challenges of human and technological nature in a short period. The transformational processes from…

The Current State and Trends’s Analysis of the Ukraine’s Financial Market

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
The article reports that the Ukraine’s financial market is in the formation process, which is due to the uneven spatial dynamics of the financial capital during market reforms; heterogeneity of the country’s economic and financial space; fundamental asymmetry between regions in terms of financial potential;…

Does Digital Economy Activities Matter for Economic Growth in Developing Country?

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
ICT has become an important driver for economic growth in developed countries. In these countries, ICT capital investment has significantly contributed to increasing productivity. However, ICT is not the only factor in boosting productivity. It takes a skilled workforce by the ICT capacity used. Some…

Effects of COVID-19 on E-learning at Hassan II University of Casablanca, students: Results of survey conducted on 9,439 students

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education and e-learning: COVID37EDU 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed education forever. It has resulted in Universities shut all across the world. In response to the emerging and ever solution to the COVID-19 epidemic, universities have innovated by creating new elearning plateforms. The purpose of this paper is to conduct…

Self-Evaluation of University Teachers’ Digital Competence in Emergency Remote Teaching and Their Emotions Surrounding Student Crisis E-Learning During The 2020 Pandemic

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education and e-learning: COVID37EDU 2021
The main aim of the research was focused on the self-assessment of university teachers’ level of digital literacy (DL) and on the emotions accompanying them during crisis e-learning & teaching during the period of the pandemic in 2020. The research was carried out via online…

The Place of The Mountain Area in Romanian Agriculture

Agricultural Trends and Strategies – Regional and Global Perspectives: 37AGRI 2021
Agriculture is a renewable resource that can be practiced for many generations to come. Romania must build its future by placing a strong emphasis on sustainable traditions. If we focus on temporary elements, these disappear completely after several years, and the solution is sustainable agriculture.…

Comparative Study of Conventional and Ecological Farms

Agricultural Trends and Strategies – Regional and Global Perspectives: 37AGRI 2021
Unlike conventional agriculture, which mainly aims to maximize economic efficiency, organic farming is three-dimensional, each of its components and features belonging to the ecological, economic or social dimension, and these dimensions are in a balanced ratio. The ecological dimension includes the quantitative and qualitative edaphic, climatic and…

Creation of a Reserve Fund as a Tool for Ensuring the Financial Security of an Enterprise

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
The paper substantiates the need to study the level of financial security of an enterprise. To study the dynamics of financial security of an enterprise it is considered a system-dynamic model and simulation of distributed financial flows of an industrial enterprise under impact of random…
