Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Management of the Socio-Economic Potential of Rural Areas: Functional Model of Farming Development

Agricultural Trends and Strategies – Regional and Global Perspectives: 37AGRI 2021
Russian authorities of different levels have continually highlighted the role and economic significance of small businesses in ensuring the competitiveness of the agro-industrial complex and the village revival. The purpose of the study is to create a farm development model, focusing on the social-economic potential…

The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Sustainable Performance in an Organization. (Case Study of Volab Limited, Lagos State, Nigeria)

Advancements in Business Excellence through Innovation and Risk Management: 37MGT 2021
Change is inevitable as organizations grow and develop. There is therefore an increasing and revolving change on how things are done for better implementation of organizational goals which results into organizational image. Employers are discovering new ways to keep employees’ motivated and creative, while giving…

Megatrends Determining the Boundaries of Modern Organizations

Advancements in Business Excellence through Innovation and Risk Management: 37MGT 2021
Answering the question of what a modern organization is today is much more difficult than it was even last century. What defines the limits of understanding organization? Are they artifacts, the tangible results of human labor? In the era of the post-industrial economy, such an…

Current Problems of Digitalization in Russia: Building Knowledge Economy

Trends in the Digital Economy - Insights from Global Perspectives: 37DIGECO 2021
The movement along the way of managing the development of industrial companies requires the joint efforts of all participants. It is necessary to overcome a significant number of barriers. Only in this way the industrial complexes and the national economy of Russia as a whole…

Postal Market Solutions in The Context of Digital Economy and Megatrends: Example of The Polish Market

Trends in the Digital Economy - Insights from Global Perspectives: 37DIGECO 2021
The article discusses changes taking place in the current economy, which is described as the digital economy. The article also highlights megatrends which have a significant impact on the logistics sector in general, and the postal market in particular. The aim of the article is…

Industry 4.0: Development and Use of Neural Network Technologies in the Modern World Robotics

Trends in the Digital Economy - Insights from Global Perspectives: 37DIGECO 2021
In recent years, the development of the world economic system has received a powerful impetus associated with the massive introduction and use of innovative digital technologies in all economic sectors. The implementation of information and communication technologies led to a large-scale digital transformation of the…

Blockchain’s Impact on the Global Economy: Perspectives for the Development of Cryptoeconomics

Trends in the Digital Economy - Insights from Global Perspectives: 37DIGECO 2021
The modern world is a rapidly changing system, the dynamics of change today are so great that the technologies being introduced become obsolete in just one or two years, and new ones are replacing them. The mass introduction of innovative digital technologies takes place in…

Changes in the Technology of Moving Containers Inside Sea Container Terminals: From Conventional to Automated Technology

Digitalization and Technological Innovations Across Industries: 37ISM 2021
The need to cope with competition and the desire to build a competitive advantage on the market contribute to the implementation of automated handling, transport and handling equipment by container terminal operators. The motives of terminal operators in automating internal processes are varied and depend…

Communication Competence as A Support for Implementation the Society 5.0 Concept

Social Media Dynamics - Communication Strategies, Challenges and Societal Impact: 37COMM 2021
In the concept of Society 5.0, the convergence of digital technologies that we currently have at our disposal plays a key role, and we regard them as a remedy for the problems of the modern world. This consideration proposes the application of a different perspective,…

Options for Registering Innovative Technologies in Russia

Digitalization and Technological Innovations Across Industries: 37ISM 2021
Successful capacity-building in science and technology is inextricably linked to the creation of additional opportunities for the use of new knowledge and to making economic agents and national economies more responsive to innovation in general, and to the development of specialist competences, managers of results…