Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


The Application and Assessment of the Importance of the Most Frequently Used Intelligent Logistics Systems in Manufacturing Enterprises in Poland – Part One

Digitalization and Technological Innovations Across Industries: 37ISM 2021
Intelligent systems in production and logistics (ISL) are increasingly used. Due to this fact, this topic becomes more and more the subject of research, both from the practical and theoretical point of view. On the one hand, the importance of ISL is the results of…

Features of Fiscal Instruments for Regulation of Environmental Protection

Sustainability and Environmental Economics - Strategies, Policies, and Innovations: 37ENV 2021
The article discusses the features of the impact of fiscal instruments of environmental protection activities on various socio-economic and environmental indicators. The paper analyzes the results of research conducted by leading russian and foreign scientists dealing with environmental regulation using fiscal instruments, and formulated assumptions…

Are EU Countries Prepared for Sustainable Product Policy?

Sustainability and Environmental Economics - Strategies, Policies, and Innovations: 37ENV 2021
The initiative of European Union focused on the sustainable product policy is logical consequence of the world initiatives in social responsibility and sustainable development. Generally spoken, we are the first generation to feel the effect of climate change and the last generation who can do…

Approaches to Improving Calculation of Payment for Negative Environmental Impact in Russia

Sustainability and Environmental Economics - Strategies, Policies, and Innovations: 37ENV 2021
Economic methods of regulating environmental management framework should ensure the compliance with various interests: enterprises that use natural resources - in making a profit, employees of these enterprises - in safe working conditions, the state - in obtaining environmental taxes and fees, the population living…

Introduction of Kanban System in a Production Company Roland International Poland Limited Liability Company

Advancements in Business Excellence through Innovation and Risk Management: 37MGT 2021
The purpose of this paper is to present the Kanban system. The first section discusses the meaning of the term Kanban. This is followed by a description of how the company functioned before and after the introduction of the Kanban system. The article concludes with…

Globalization As A New Type of Society Development And Management In The Scope of A New Geostrategic Reality Establishment

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
Globalization is considered as a new type of social development in the context of formation a new geostrategic reality, the establishment of new placement of values, quality changes of the principles and structure of the world, modernization of social, political, economic and public administration systems.…

Financialization of the Non-financial Corporations and Organization of the Financial Activity in Polish Large Enterprises

Advancements in Business Excellence through Innovation and Risk Management: 37MGT 2021
The financialization phenomenon shows that most of non-financial corporations (NFCs) in developed countries formed and developed special, external units for the financial activity. Some of them had even organized own banks within finance and treasury departments. These activities have become outwardly directed. The main purpose…

Impact of CSR on Consumers’ Purchasing Decisions Compared to Selected Decision-Making Criteria

Marketing Strategies and Consumer Behavior Trends from Diverse Contexts: 37MKT 2021
This article presents the results of research on the impact of CSR on consumers’ shopping decisions from Poland and Ukraine against other decision-making criteria such as price, quality, other customers' opinions or guarantee terms. In the research, demographic variables such as age, gender, nationality and…

Models of Examining Brand Evaluation from A Global Perspective

Marketing Strategies and Consumer Behavior Trends from Diverse Contexts: 37MKT 2021
The brand and its value is currently a much-discussed topic and a naturally important aspect among companies, traders, entrepreneurs, executives and also startups. A strong brand has significant advantages in any area of ​​business. In the following article, we theoretically define the term brand, brand…

Sugar Fee in Poland As an Example of New Fiscal Burdens and Stimulation of Consumer Behaviour

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
During the economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the amount and structure of tax burdens imposed by the state on businesses continue to increase, as shown on the example of the newly introduced sugar fee in Poland. A new tax-related burden imposed on businesses…