Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Histogram Features for Recognition Species of Birds

Innovations in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems: 37AI 2021
Despite extensive studies on relevant recognition of song, automatic description of the specific field of sounds of nature still needs an intensive research. This publication presents methods of recognition of different species of birds by spectral features obtained from "bird speech". For the improvement of…

Information Gathering Methods and Learning Preferences Among Economics Students Using VARK Learning Styles

Trends in Education – Enhancing Learning and Development: 37EDU 2021
The research results presented in the article represent the three-year scientific achievements (2018-2020) of the authors in the field of determining the methods of obtaining and processing information by students of Economics studying at the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin. The tool used…

Institutional Principles of Development of The Socio-Humanitarian Sphere in The Conditions of Reformatting of Power in Ukraine

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
In the article the authors analyze the main institutional principles of development of the socio-humanitarian sphere in Ukraine in the conditions of decentralization of local self-government. The shortcomings that do not contribute to the approximation of the provision of administrative services of a social nature…

The Valuation of Traditional Sectors Enterprises and Knowledge-Based Enterprises in The Context of Intellectual Capital Value

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
In the conditions of globalization and growing competition on the world markets enterprises are forced to seek the most optimal sources of creating values, including intellectual capital. The aim of the study is to identify the role of intellectual capital in the process of valuation…

The Importance of Market Size and Structure and A Type of Sector for The Trends in The Research and Development Expenses

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
The aim of the study is to identify the impact of market size and structure and a type of sector on the trends in research and development expenses. The study deals with the public enterprises of an active status registered in 23 European countries, whose…

Mechanisms For Investment Activity Stimulation Under Stress of Public Finance

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
The article is devoted to the problem of stimulating investment activity under the stress of public finances and new decisions taken to overcome it in the Russian Federation. The purpose of the study is to discuss new solutions for the stimulating investment activity in the…

E-Learning Environment to Enhance Students’ Engagement in Learning Foreign Languages at The University: Theory and Practice

Innovations in Digital Learning Environments - Challenges and Best Practices: 37eLEARN 2021
Emerging technologies are part of modern educational process. In compliance with educational standards, e-learning and the design of new learning environment are compulsory requirements in Higher Education of Russia. E-learning tools offer new ways to obtain knowledge, develop personal and professional skills while studying at…

Possibilities of Making Seniors Active in Urban Space: The Case of Polish Cities

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
The sustainable development of cities should be based on a reasonable balance between promoting economic growth, taking care of the environment and meeting various needs of all residents. Contemporary cities have witnessed the growth in the number of senior citizens in the total population. Thus,…

Trends in Structural Transformations in The Industry of The Russian Arctic

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
In the current context of escalating existing and emerging new threats and challenges for the economic security of Russia, studying structural transformations identifying the immunity of the economic system to internal and external negative impacts gains special relevance and urgency. The paper aims at identifying…

Spatial And Functional Aspects of Russian Foreign Economic Activity: Paradigm Shift

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
Objective. To assess the level and main spatial and functional features of Russian regions’ foreign economic activity in the period of 2000-2018. Research Methods. The study is based on the following methods: cluster analysis – to group the regions with similar characteristics of foreign economic…
