Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Female Entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan

Entrepreneurial Frontiers - From Leadership to Social Business: 37LEAD 2021
Women constitute the majority of the Kazakh population and, even though they live almost 10 years longer than men on average, they are far less economically active. Less than half of the female population take up employment. Women’s wages are often as much as 30%…

Mnemonic Technology in Educational Process as the Way for Increasing the Vocabulary while Learning “English for Professional Purposes” in the Field of Human Resources Management in Russia

Trends in Education – Enhancing Learning and Development: 37EDU 2021
The article gives the materials on using the mnemonic technology for increasing and perfecting the vocabulary of students for receiving education in the field of HRM (human resources management). The term “educational technologies” is analyzed. The educational technologies used at the university while teaching the…

Labor Force In The Current Context – Dynamic Models

Revolutionizing Human Resources - Strategies for the Digital: 37HR 2021
The current context put pressure on the area of innovation. Teleworking leads to more changes about labor force. Teleworking leads to the restructuring of the qualification of human resources and to a polarization them. This paper presents some scenarios regarding the evolution of the labor…

Burnout – A Romanian Overview

Revolutionizing Human Resources - Strategies for the Digital: 37HR 2021
In this paper, our goal is to analyze the burnout level among Romanian’s employees, using Maslach Burnout Inventory. In our opinion this study is important mainly due to the fact that in Romania burnout tends to become a very frequent phenomenon, especially among young employees.…

Workout Model for Combating Stress in Industry 4.0

Revolutionizing Human Resources - Strategies for the Digital: 37HR 2021
In the current context of the Digitalized Industry and the Smart era it is noted that the acute and increasingly common problem, work-related stress, which generates over time a variety of health disorders in general and mental in particular. Despite the overwhelming evidence that many…

Organization Problems in the 21st Century – The Problems with Employee Burnout

Revolutionizing Human Resources - Strategies for the Digital: 37HR 2021
The aim of the article is to discuss the employee burnout in the workplace and to identify the symptoms of burnout and its determinants. The aim of the research was to identify organization problems concerning employee burnout. The following research question was formed in the…

Digital Competences of Polish Consumers in the Face of Challenges of the Information Age Economy and Industry 4.0

Digitalization and Technological Innovations Across Industries: 37ISM 2021
Digital technologies and the implemented tools of Industry 4.0 dynamically change almost all spheres of human life, and above all the sphere of the economy. Commercial transactions are increasingly carried out online using mobile devices and the Internet. On the one hand, modern solutions make…

Hardware Implementation of Psychoacoustic Model For Real-Time Audio Data Hiding Application

Innovations in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems: 37AI 2021
Cryptography and steganography are used for secret signal transmission. In the case of cryptography, the mere fact of transmission is transparent, while the message is encrypted against third parties. For steganography, the opposite is true, i.e., the message is usually public, but the fact of…

The Multiple-Win Hypothesis from The Use of Ecological Fiscal Instruments

Sustainability and Environmental Economics - Strategies, Policies, and Innovations: 37ENV 2021
The article explores the hypothesis of Multiple-win about the impact of fiscal instruments of environmental protection activity on a number of significant socio-economic indicators, such as: public costs of environmental protection, the volume of investment in the environmentally friendly technologies, the health of the nation,…

European Strategies for SME Competitiveness

Advancements in Business Excellence through Innovation and Risk Management: 37MGT 2021
SMEs play an important role in the economic development of the Member States and their growth is influenced by the European support strategies and initiatives for increasing competitiveness. The objective is analysing strategic EU-level documents on SMEs with the purpose of identifying how the SME…