Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Environmental Solutions in Hotels as A Manifestation of Aspects of Environmental of CSR: Case Study of Radisson Blu Hotels

Sustainability and Environmental Economics - Strategies, Policies, and Innovations: 37ENV 2021
The hotel management is a key sector of the tourism industry which interacts strongly with the social and natural environment. It is characterised by high consumption of resources and the production of large amounts of waste harmful to the environment. Hotel facilities, in constant pursuit…

Sustainable Investment in Kazakhstan: State and Development Imperatives

Sustainability and Environmental Economics - Strategies, Policies, and Innovations: 37ENV 2021
The article discusses the key aspects of the content of sustainable investments. Sustainable investment is shown to be associated with responsible financial behaviour of investors, taking into account environmental, social and management factors (ESG-factors). The content of leading sustainable investment strategies and institutional investors is…

Influence Carbon Taxes on Oil Industry in the OPEC Countries

Sustainability and Environmental Economics - Strategies, Policies, and Innovations: 37ENV 2021
The issue of greenhouse gases has received increasing attention globally because of its meaningful and effective social and economic life. It is considered one of the most important environmental problems that the world is exposed to due to its direct impact on human life in…

The Principle of Sustainable Development and its Practical Use in the Judgments of the Constitutional Tribunal in Poland

Sustainability and Environmental Economics - Strategies, Policies, and Innovations: 37ENV 2021
The current study aims to analyze the decisions of the Constitutional Tribunal in Poland, especially concerning the scope of art. 5 of the the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, on the basis of which, among others, the principle of sustainable development was put forward.…

Simulation of a Crash Test of a Single-Track Vehicle in a Frontal Collision, Part1

Advancements in Business Excellence through Innovation and Risk Management: 37MGT 2021
This paper describes the first part of the results of a frontal crash test simulation of a single-track vehicle with a wall. The scope of the work included the development of a geometric and computational model of an electric scooter single-track vehicle frame, along with…

Fuzzy Model for the E-Tourism Digital Platform Quality Assessment

Digitalization and Technological Innovations Across Industries: 37ISM 2021
In the modern world of communication and information, a company cannot improve and be competitive on a global or even local level without modern digital technologies. The development of information and communication technologies in the tourism industry has led to the emergence of e-tourism. Information networks, web…

Digital Interpreting Tools as A New Perspective for Cultural and Natural Tourist Routes

Digitalization and Technological Innovations Across Industries: 37ISM 2021
In tourism, digital interpretation tools, mobile applications and virtual tour guiding have determined the contemporary tourist space in the past several years. The phenomenon has been observed not only in urban, active and special interest tourism, but also cultural and natural tourism which are based…

Supervisory Communication Connection with Job Satisfaction In Fourth Industrial Revolution

Revolutionizing Human Resources - Strategies for the Digital: 37HR 2021
Industry 4.0 is a combination of several cutting-edge technological developments, including but not limited to: Information and Communication Technologies, Cyber-Physical Systems, Network Communications, Big Data and Cloud Computing, Virtualization and Simulation and improved tools for human-computer collaboration. Digitalization will lead to the transformation of many…

The Use of Virtual Reality to Boost the Promotion of Touristic Destinations and the Interpretation of Heritage

Digitalization and Technological Innovations Across Industries: 37ISM 2021
Tourism and heritage are fundamental assets in many modern economies and certainly fundamental from a civilizational and generational point of view. Its promotion and interpretation are therefore important, and in these fields, technologies have played a fundamental and revolutionary role. In this scenario, Virtual Reality…

Competencies Used in An Employee Onboarding Process

Revolutionizing Human Resources - Strategies for the Digital: 37HR 2021
Enterprises that apply onboarding programs help new employees take the first steps in a new workplace. Assimilation of newcomers is crucial because it allows new employees to achieve full efficiency much faster. Despite the fact that onboarding is relatively popular and the process itself is…