Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Current Situation and Development Prospects of Female Entrepreneurs Engaged İn Social Business İn Azerbaijan

Entrepreneurial Frontiers - From Leadership to Social Business: 37LEAD 2021
Social business is a new and modern type of business that focuses on the essential needs of humanity, dividends and one whole social target. Social business does not aim to make a profit as a traditional business does, the main purpose of this job is…

Examining the Impact of The Legitimacy of Social Media Influencers on Attitude Towards the Brand and Purchase Intention from A Consumer Perspective

Digital Marketing - Strategies, Consumer Behavior, and Technological Impact: 37eMKT 2021
The aim of this study is to examine the impact of legitimacy of social media influencers on consumers towards the brand in terms of attitude and purchase intention. In this context, data was collected from 511 participants between January 15 and February 20, 2021 through…

Satisfaction with Work and Absenteeism in Public Administration: Does the Employer Size Matter?

Revolutionizing Human Resources - Strategies for the Digital: 37HR 2021
Worker absences are costly and disruptive for Public Administration, and the trend has steadily increased over the years (Hassan, Wright & Yukl, 2014). In Portugal, the absenteeism is also increasing in public administration.  For this reason, the Portuguese government recommends to public services managers the…

On The Subject of The Formation of The Principle of Procedural Economy in Civil Proceedings in Russia

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
In this paper, the authors turned to the study of the need to consolidate the principle of procedural economy in the norms of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. It should be noted that the application of this principle in Russian civil proceedings…

Social and Economic Aspects of Labor Migration from Ukraine to Poland

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
Difficult political situation has driven millions of Ukrainians out of the country in search of better life conditions which is why the study of socio-economic consequences of international labor migration has a theoretical and practical significance for both countries. The purpose of this study is…

Adversarial Machine Learning as A Forerunner of Future Wars on Algorithms

Innovations in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems: 37AI 2021
This paper presents a review of adversarial machine learning in the area of war on algorithms. It collects knowledge in this field, shows the practical applications of attacks and defenses with the use of adversarial machine learning (AML), presents the issues and current advancement of…

Aggravating Factors Influencing Physicians’ Employed in Public Medical Entities – Evidence from Poland

Revolutionizing Human Resources - Strategies for the Digital: 37HR 2021
Medical personnel are a group of employees particularly exposed to health hazards which arise from stress factors related to the place and specificity of work. Therefore, it is necessary to identify hazardous factors affecting workers’ health and try to limit their occurrence. Taking these measures…

Employee Engagement: An Actual Theme, in a Permanent Evolution

Revolutionizing Human Resources - Strategies for the Digital: 37HR 2021
Modern companies are well aware of the fact that employee engagement can contribute in a decisive manner to the company’s competitiveness and performance. This paper’s purpose is to analyse how employee’s engagement was defined over time in the literature, in order to highlight the methods…

Comparison of the Effectiveness of Health Systems in The European Countries-Two-Stage DEA Model

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
This article compares the efficiency of health systems in selected European countries using two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA), based on data from the EUROSTAT database. In the first step, DEA efficiency scores were calculated for health care systems and, subsequently, the external variables describing lifestyle…

Employee Disclosure under the Stakeholder Pressure: An Examination of the Role of Directive 2014/95/EU

Revolutionizing Human Resources - Strategies for the Digital: 37HR 2021
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of primary (investors, consumers and employee) and secondary (environment, regulator that requires mandatory environmental disclosure under the Directive 2014/95/EU and standard setters) stakeholder groups on company’s employee-related disclosure. Design/methodology/approach: The sample comprised 71 selected…