Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


The Future of Work; Restructuring and Emerging Roles of Human Resource

Revolutionizing Human Resources - Strategies for the Digital: 37HR 2021
Being the most important out of the resources for business and organizational growth, the roles of the human resource, managers/management has become even more important since the pandemic as there has been a consequential change in how work is done. This change, which has been…

Assessments Regarding the Employed Population in Agriculture and The Added Value in The Agricultural Sector in Romania

Agricultural Trends and Strategies – Regional and Global Perspectives: 37AGRI 2021
The paper aims to present some characteristics of the Romanian agriculture compared to the European Union countries. At European level, a small number of countries account for most of the gross value of agriculture. At the opposite, it is placed the agriculture in Romania. The…

Financing University Research, in Poland, in the Light of the New Act on Higher Education and Science

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
Act 2.0, the so called Constitution for science, introduces essential changes in financing Polish universities, which entered into force on 1 January 2019. The subsidy received by universities from the state budget is the basic source of financing their development of both didactic and research…

Wellbeing Facility as a Source of Data for Sustainable Human Resource Management

Revolutionizing Human Resources - Strategies for the Digital: 37HR 2021
This paper aims to identify the key aspects of wellbeing-driven expectations for facilities and then to point out its potential benefits for human resource management. It is a conceptual paper based on the identification of the role of Sustainable Human Resource Management (SHRM), characteristics of…

Academic Team Management Based on Creative Heritage of A. Makarenko

Trends in Education – Enhancing Learning and Development: 37EDU 2021
The problem of pedagogical and psychological influence on the formation of the labor collective of the organization on the use of one of the leading educators of the totalitarian Soviet regime, working on the upbringing of children without parents and living on the street, is…

Public Universities Funding Models and its Impact on the Strategic Planning

Trends in Education – Enhancing Learning and Development: 37EDU 2021
The purpose of the funding mechanism is expected to generate funds from different sources so that the academic quality in teaching, development, equity, and efficiency of higher education, in alignment with national strategy planning, can be developed without relying solely on government funding. Here, this…

Importance of Casco Insurance on The Case of Non-Life Insurance Market in Poland

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
Damage cover insurance (Casco insurance) plays an important role in the motor insurance market. The Casco insurance policy holder is offered protection of the vehicle against random events causing its destruction or damage and against car theft. The main purpose of this article is to…

Analysis of the Production Process Performance Indicators as a Tool for Improving Operational Efficiency and Reducing Losses in the Production of Sausages

Advancements in Business Excellence through Innovation and Risk Management: 37MGT 2021
The article presents the problem of designing indicators of the production process efficiency as a tool for improving operational efficiency and reducing losses in the production of sausages. Measures of the production process capacity are an important element of the production process capacity analysis. The…

True Organizational Learning Culture as a key to Unlocking Operational Performance: A Critical Review

Advancements in Business Excellence through Innovation and Risk Management: 37MGT 2021
The purpose of this study is to critically review and intensely emphasize the role organizational learning culture plays in promoting overall performance.  Investing in human, structural and relational capital, and harvesting commitment at the same time can bring about performance improvement. Information acquisition, distribution, and…

Eco-innovations in the SME Sector in Recent Years – The Perspective of Selected EU Countries

Advancements in Business Excellence through Innovation and Risk Management: 37MGT 2021
Pro-ecological activities are an indispensable element in achieving the goals of sustainable development. Due to the fact that SME sector enterprises are the backbone of the European economy, they play a crucial role in implementing eco-innovation. Taking such actions depends on the level of ecological…