Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Strategic Analysis Over E-Commerce: Between a Trend and a Necessity

Digital Marketing - Strategies, Consumer Behavior, and Technological Impact: 37eMKT 2021
During the last 20 years, the Information Technology sector has known the most incredible evolution, having a great impact over day-to-day life for billions of people. Maybe now, more than ever, people are aware of the place occupied by technology in their lives, since Covid-19…

Contemporary Management of B2B Applications with the Use of Web Applications

Digitalization and Technological Innovations Across Industries: 37ISM 2021
This paper describes a sample solution for managing B2B applications using web application technology. When creating applications and systems, it turns out that it is necessary to create an administrative panel that allows you to manage specific human and system resources. The paper answers the…

Integrated Approach to Development of Tourism Industry in the Ukrainian Regions Based on Modern Information Technologies

Digitalization and Technological Innovations Across Industries: 37ISM 2021
The issue of effective implementation of information technologies and substantiation of directions of development of tourist industry in the regions of Ukraine is revealed. A method of supporting the functioning of the tourism management system of tourist areas based on the use of the provisions…

Comprehensive Assessment of Municipal e-Government Systems in Eastern Ukraine

Digitalization and Technological Innovations Across Industries: 37ISM 2021
Municipalities increasingly active role during the time of building informational society patterns has drawn further attention to e-governance initiatives on regional and sub-regional levels. The crucial question for both academic and policy-making communities is: are local e-government monitoring tools for post-communist countries adequate for measuring…

Barriers in Financing of Slovak Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
Defining barriers in development of small and medium-sized enterprises is a key role to eliminate them. These barriers differ by country or region of SME. Thus, every country has different conditions for business and for their financing. Main purpose of this article is to describe…

Automation of The Transaction Strategy with Shares Based on The Government Bonds’ Yield Curve

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
The government bonds’ yield curve is an informative indicator of the future dynamics of stock prices and derived from them financial instruments. Despite some of the advantages of this indicator, its application in trade strategies is difficult due to the lack of clear criteria for…

The Concept of Innovative Projects Evaluation in the Company

Advancements in Business Excellence through Innovation and Risk Management: 37MGT 2021
The aim of the article is to present the concept of an innovative project evaluation system in an enterprise and to present the results of empirical research. A thesis, confirmed in the practice of the researched enterprise, that efficient operation of the innovative project evaluation…

Automation of Production by Complexes of Equipment Efficiency Upgrading

Advancements in Business Excellence through Innovation and Risk Management: 37MGT 2021
The article discusses the main functionality of the hardware and software complex for monitoring the operation of numerically controlled machines, universal equipment, production lines of machine-building production. The principle of receiving data from equipment is based on work with transmitted discrete signals. The results of…

Trends and Strategies of M-Commerce Implementation

E-commerce Dynamics - Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities: 37eCOM 2021
This article presents a comprehensive study of the global mobile commerce market and related trends. The aim is to determine the impact of the digital transformation of society and the economy, as well as the expansion of budget smartphones on the development of mobile commerce…

The Need to Educate Social Entrepreneurship in the Opinion of Academic Teachers from Poland and Ukraine

Entrepreneurial Frontiers - From Leadership to Social Business: 37LEAD 2021
Background: New socio-economic conditions resulting from the consequences of the fourth industrial revolution and additionally caused by the effects of the COVID 19 pandemic imply the need to sensitize society to social problems and the need to educate new generation social entrepreneurs.The aim of the…