Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Study of The Main Roots of Digital Economy Within the Research Environment: A Bibliometric Analysis..

Trends in the Digital Economy - Insights from Global Perspectives: 37DIGECO 2021
This research aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis through which to identify the origins of digital economy and where it’s heading, by looking at its main roots and the directions on strategic development. For this will be analyzed the papers within the research environment and…

Pro-Health Attitudes, E-Health Literacy and Well-Being Among Consumers of Organic Food

Digital Marketing - Strategies, Consumer Behavior, and Technological Impact: 37eMKT 2021
The consumption of organic food, considered to be safe and limiting the bad influence on the environment, is conditioned by different factors that change over time. We may notice especially dynamic changes in the motivations and attitudes of consumers who are characterized by a positive…

A High-Performance Process for the Production of Non-Woven, Spunlace Fibres, Based on Mixtures of Viscose and Polyester Fibres. Part 1 – Methodology, Scope and the Expected Results of the Studies

Advancements in Business Excellence through Innovation and Risk Management: 37MGT 2021
This article presents a research process concerning the selection of optimal parameters for the carding process in the high-performance production of Spunlace fibres. The individual components of the technological line have been characterised and are described with special attention to the carding module. The reference…

Strategies for Implementing Innovation in Romanian SMEs

Advancements in Business Excellence through Innovation and Risk Management: 37MGT 2021
The main objective of this article is to explore the specific innovation strategies used by responsible leaders of SMEs in order to implement innovation in the organizations they represent to achieve the assumed performance objectives. This case study involved managers from randomly selected SMEs, with…

Protection of Personal Data: Intricate Challenge of the Right to Privacy in Era of Globalization. Legal Appraisal

Legal Insights on Digitalization and Regulatory Frameworks: 37LAW 2021
The current paper aims to underline the new dimensions of the right to privacy in the field of personal data protection within the context of ascending limitations imposed by security requirements in the era of globalization. Its specific premise provides that the technological and communications…

The Role of Government Agencies on Product Safety in the Nigerian Pharmaceutical Sector: A Conceptual View

Legal Insights on Digitalization and Regulatory Frameworks: 37LAW 2021
The government’s regulation on product safety is to protect the consumer by eliminating injuries at home, market place and as well as to educate consumers on product safety measures through guidelines and warnings. However, the product safety of pharmaceutical industries remains a major challenge in…

On the Development of International Business in Russia (On the Example of Fuel and Energy Cooperation with China)

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
The international cooperation is one of stable development’s maintenance key factors of all countries in the world, and in the world political arena is a safety and harmonious development guarantor not only on regional, but also at the global level. The Russian Federation’s oil and…

The Circular Economy as A Tool for Sustainable Socio-Economic Development

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
This paper gives an overview of the current state and application of the circular economy model, showing how governments of developed countries incorporate the principles of the circular economy model and how they shape the modern urban environment and transform the waste management system. The…

Research on The Contribution of Higher Education to Economic Growth in The Silk Road Economic Belt

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
Based on the Cobb-Douglas production function, the contribution rate of higher education to economic growth in the provinces of the Silk Road Economic Belt in the past 16 years is comprehensively calculated using Dennison's growth factor analysis method. The results show that the contribution rate…

The Consistency Between the Economic Base and Smart Specialization Priorities in Rural Regions: The Case of Visegrad Countries

Economic Perspectives - Challenges, Strategies, and Policy Implications: 37ECO 2021
The study discusses the problems of regional specialization in rural areas. Paper provides a framework to assess the consistency of the smart specialisation approach with existing local resources and conducts an empirical analysis based on a sample of rural regions in Visegrad countries. Presented research…