Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Citizen’s Perception on Policy Effectiveness During COVID-19 Pandemic

Governance and Urban Development - Strategies, Policies, and Challenges in Contemporary Cities: 37PublicAdm 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered various changes in perceptions, expectations, and beliefs among citizens worldwide. Governments have taken common and controversial decisions in their attempts to combat this issue, winning or losing citizens’ confidence. In a time of significant changes, this trust is vital for…

Constructive Thinking at the Tertiary Level of Education

Entrepreneurial Frontiers - From Leadership to Social Business: 37LEAD 2021
The aim of the authors of the article is to identify the level of the constructive thinking of future leaders in the field of studies of direct leadership and engineering-managerial specialists in the Army of the Czech Republic. The text informs about the results of…

The Norm of Positivity on Social Networking Sites on The Background of The Culture of Narcissism

Social Media Dynamics - Communication Strategies, Challenges and Societal Impact: 37COMM 2021
Social networking sites allow for the implementation of narcissistic mechanisms of admiration and rivalry. They are characterized by the norm of positivity – by their affirmative nature they can socialize to narcissism. In this paper, the author depicts the nil nisi bene principle, which states…

Polish Experience From 30 Years of Functioning of Associations of Local Government Units (Municipal) As a Formal and Material Basis for Regional Development

Governance and Urban Development - Strategies, Policies, and Challenges in Contemporary Cities: 37PublicAdm 2021
The cooperation of local government units (especially communes) has been present in contemporary world literature for a long time. It is of interest to representatives of various sciences (including praxeology, management, law, economy and finance, politics and administration). Against this background, the research on intercommunal…

Using Collaborative Applications in Air Force Higher Education

Trends in Education – Enhancing Learning and Development: 37EDU 2021
In this paper I present the specifics of online activities, login mode, content generation, content visualization, working groups, activity report, specific evaluation tools. The benefits of collaborative platforms are obvious and we must continue to use them for the benefit of our students, in air…

Participatory Budgeting as An Instrument of Public Participation: The Example of The City of Kraków

Governance and Urban Development - Strategies, Policies, and Challenges in Contemporary Cities: 37PublicAdm 2021
Participatory budgeting is defined as a decision-making process whereby residents/citizens discuss and negotiate the way of distributing public funds. Worldwide, but also in Poland this mechanism has become very popular in the last three decades. It is also treated as an instrument of public participation.…

Assessment of The Solvency of Insurance Companies on The Basis of Comprehensive Risk Accounting

Insights in Accounting Practices and Financial Management: 37FINACC 2021
Determining the solvency of insurance companies on the basis of comprehensive consideration of different risk groups is becoming especially relevant in modern financial activity, that requires thorough research of these aspects of the problem. This article contains the types and structuring of the main risks…

Effect of Adapting to Student Emotions on Servant Leadership of Teachers

Insights in Accounting Practices and Financial Management: 37FINACC 2021
Around the world it’s an ongoing process where, teachers are trying to find new methods to influence and guide the students to achieve their goals. Servant leadership model, can be successfully implemented in teaching through its attribute, student empowerment, which enable teachers to guide students…

Community of Practice, Social Learning and Social Presence Model for Sustaining Religious Virtual Community

Social Media Dynamics - Communication Strategies, Challenges and Societal Impact: 37COMM 2021
This study aims to explore theoretical factors in order to increase the sustainability of an online community based on religious value or we termed as a religious virtual community (RVC). Social Presence Theory is the degree by which an individual is perceived to be a…

Qualitative Variables in Tendering Procedure

Governance and Urban Development - Strategies, Policies, and Challenges in Contemporary Cities: 37PublicAdm 2021
Tendering procedures are commonly used tools for public procurement. Even though this practice is widespread, theory of tendering is not rapidly developing. Growing complexity of offers in fields of architecture or technology, caused by development of knowledge, new materials and technologies is a reason why…