Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Black Sea Basin Cross-Border Cooperation Programs: Challenges and Prospective for Building Network Governance in Eastern Partnership Countries

Governance and Urban Development - Strategies, Policies, and Challenges in Contemporary Cities: 37PublicAdm 2021
The article focuses on the practices of cross-border cooperation (CBC) in the framework of the European Union (EU) Eastern partnership policy from the point of view of promoting the partner-oriented approach in the EU-neighbour relations. Using the concept of network governance study builds framework for…

Green Financing as a Tool for the Implementation of Infrastructure Projects (Based on the Materials of the Transport Complex)

Insights in Accounting Practices and Financial Management: 37FINACC 2021
The role of green bonds as a tool for attracting additional funds for the implementation of infrastructure projects is examined in the article based on the example of transport (railway) complexes: electrification of existing lines, modernization of rolling stock, implementation of other complex projects. A…

Instagram As an Effective Tool in Campaigning Against Sexual Assault and Social Injustice

Social Media Dynamics - Communication Strategies, Challenges and Societal Impact: 37COMM 2021
Social media networks have fast become tools employed in airing opinions or views about issues. Currently, the world revolves around social media, with its uses ranging from chatting to learning, fun and even campaigns. Victims of sexual assault remain silent over the fear of being…

Factors Affecting the Implementation of BIM in a Design Office as Part of the Industry 4.0 Idea

Digitalization and Technological Innovations Across Industries: 37ISM 2021
Modern digital technologies, characteristic of the idea of Industry 4.0, are not reserved only for production companies. Solutions widely used in the world, such as virtual and augmented reality, the Internet of people, things, services and data, remote control and autonomous construction machines or even…

The Smart City Concept in Development Strategies of Major Polish Cities

Governance and Urban Development - Strategies, Policies, and Challenges in Contemporary Cities: 37PublicAdm 2021
This article aims at analysing the smart city concept from the point of view of benefits and barriers related to its implementation, and at providing an assessment that takes into account the progress of implementation of the smart city concept in development strategies applied by…

Perspectives on the Importance and Usage of New Technologies in Accounting

Digitalization and Technological Innovations Across Industries: 37ISM 2021
The aim of the article is to measure (1) knowledge and perspective of people to the importance of new technologies in accounting, (2) which technologies will be particularly useful in specific accounting areas (3) influence of COVID-19 pandemic on the pace of implementation and usage…

Features of the Organization of Paid Medical Services in the Russian Federation and in the Federal Republic of Germany

Advancements in Business Excellence through Innovation and Risk Management: 37MGT 2021
The purpose of the article is to analyze the actual and not yet resolved problem of the commercialization of Russian healthcare, which is being investigated by the authors in the context of international experience, assessments of expert organizations (WHO, ILO, World Bank). The methodological research…

Public Administration Resources: Free Time and Non-Standard Forms Employment “Volunteering” And “Voluntourism” On the Example of Mariupol, Ukraine

Governance and Urban Development - Strategies, Policies, and Challenges in Contemporary Cities: 37PublicAdm 2021
The study presents the social aspects of public administration of free time of the population and its use by society. The article shows that in the scientific discipline "public administration of employment" time is a full-fledged object of study. Time is a form of consciousness…

Promissory Note in Securing Corporate Debts

Legal Insights on Digitalization and Regulatory Frameworks: 37LAW 2021
The subject of this article is the role of promissory note in securing corporate debts. The aim of the article is to discuss the premises of the promissory note, the formal and legal nature of the promissory note as well as the features and functions…

‘Closed Until Further Notice’. Policy Towards Culture by The Polish Government During The COVID-19 Pandemic First Wave

Governance and Urban Development - Strategies, Policies, and Challenges in Contemporary Cities: 37PublicAdm 2021
When the pandemic broke out in Poland, the regular cultural activity had to be stopped. The government undertook a series of measures, mainly economic/ fiscal and legal/ regulatory to support culture. The purpose of the paper is, first, to analyse the application of diverse cultural…