Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Digital collaboration in Higher Education: Vulnerabilities and Challenges in E-Learning During Covid-19 pandemic

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education and e-learning: COVID36EDU 2020
Digital industry influences the educational environment and encourages students to get actively involved, take part but also collaborate in this major change to overcome internal and external vulnerabilities in the learning process. Academia researchers are analyzing the vulnerabilities of this new digital revolution and trying…

Covid19 Impact on Information Channels Choosing Preference During The Self-Study of Teachers in The Gender Context

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education and e-learning: COVID36EDU 2020
This article is focused on the analysis of information channels choosing preference during the self-study of teachers in the gender context for the decisive period from March to June 2020. Schools were closed worldwide in this period with the emphasis on communication with pupils via electronic…

Relation between the Introduction of Remote Teaching as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Quality of the Academic Teaching of Accounting

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education and e-learning: COVID36EDU 2020
The aim of this paper is to present the relation between the COVID-19 pandemic and the obligatory introduction of remote teaching and the quality of the academic teaching of Accounting. The aim was achieved through research. The selected research method was a survey questionnaire sent…

The Causality Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth in Sub Saharan Africa: An Empirical Evidence from Chad Using ARDL Approach

Economic Development - Global Perspectives on Investment, Security, and Growth: 36ECO 2020
Foreign direct investment (FDI) towards developing nations is eventually intended to help host countries attain sustainable economic growth. As such, the recipient country ultimately achieves poverty reduction and improved human development. Over the past decades, the justification for increasing foreign direct investment to developing and…

The Issues Concerning the Management of Cross-Border EU Projects During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Countries Around the World: COVID36ECO 2020
The aim of the research was to identify problems of Polish-German cross-border cooperation during the COVID-19 pandemic, including those related to the implementation of projects under the Interreg programmes. The research carried out in the article was based on quantitative secondary data, primary information and…

Employability Skills Needed in the Emerging Global Job Market: Stakeholders’ Perception

Economic Development - Global Perspectives on Investment, Security, and Growth: 36ECO 2020
In the 21st century, companies all around the world have formed a higher expectation from the labours in the market. The recruitment needs by the employers for employment have changed drastically, and are not what the used to be in the olden days. There is…

On the State of The Social Security System in Greece in 2020 And Projections of The Strength of The Merged Social Security Funds After the Economic and The Health Crisis of Coronavirus

Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Countries Around the World: COVID36ECO 2020
In this paper we review the state of the Social Security system in Greece in September 2020, after the economic crisis and during the health crisis of coronavirus. A. The major reforms to the Social Insurance System were initiated by the Laws 4387/2016 and 4670/2020.The…

Impact of The Pandemic on The Logistics of Dairy Products

Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Countries Around the World: COVID36ECO 2020
The most important food security industry is dairy. Recently, there has been an increase in the production of dairy products due to an increase in milk yield per cow. Despite the growth in production, the indicators approved in the Food Security Doctrine have not yet…

Indicators of The Development of Enterprises from the SME Sector in the Conditions of COVID-19 Pandemic in Poland

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Organizational Management and Human Resources Practices: COVID36MGT 2020
The Development Of Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises (Smes) Is An Important Subject Of Interest In The Field Of Economic And Social Sciences. It Is Caused, Inter Alia, By The Influence Of The SME Sector Entities On The Socio-Economic Processes Taking Place In The Modern Economy.…

Investigation the Change of The Quantitative Scope of Telecommuting and Influence on Job Satisfaction Under Corona Pandemic

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Organizational Management and Human Resources Practices: COVID36MGT 2020
The Corona Pandemic 2020 is changing life conditions, industry, commerce, job market and working conditions continually and permanently. It triggered a surge in digitalization and the proportion and frequency of home office in companies. Teleworking has had positive effects for companies and workers in the…