Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Leadership in Staff Training in the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic

Leadership Styles and Their Impact on Organizational Performance and Innovation: 36LEAD 2020
The article describes the method of preparation and education of future military professionals in the field of direct leadership in the conditions of the University of Defence in Brno. The first part describes the process of preparation and education of students of the University of…

Intercultural Leadership in the Context of An Empirical Study in Iran and Switzerland

Leadership Styles and Their Impact on Organizational Performance and Innovation: 36LEAD 2020
 This paper presents an analysis of the differences in the leadership style and links the existing theories with practice. This study will show what kind of leadership styles exist and how they specifically affect the company’s performance results. The aim of this paper is examining…

Dynamics of the World and Russian Economy in the Coronavirus Pandemic Context

Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Countries Around the World: COVID36ECO 2020
The article considers and systematizes the main prerequisites for the emergence of the global economic crisis in 2020. A comparative analysis of the crisis of 2008 and 2020 is carried out. The article describes the economic situation in Russia on the eve of the crisis…

Students’ Well-Being and Learning Readiness during Coronavirus Outbreak in Malaysian Higher Learning Institutions

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education and e-learning: COVID36EDU 2020
The main objectives of this paper were to identify the perceived severity of COVID-19 on students’ well-being and learning readiness, and to better understand how students are coping with the present crisis, both in general and in regard to their daily learning activities. Despite the…

Students’ Learning During Coronavirus Outbreak in Malaysian Higher Learning Institution

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education and e-learning: COVID36EDU 2020
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the potential impact of the outbreak on students learning in one of the public universities in Malaysia, providing greater clarity on what kinds of technological and psychosocial support are needed to address their students’ needs. A set…

Model to Evaluate Customer Satisfaction During the Product Life Cycle

Innovation in Marketing Strategies, Customer Engagement and Satisfaction: 36MKT 2020
According to the market evolution, the biggest companies express the desire to create quality through satisfaction, while building a management of a real customer culture that use customer satisfaction inside the business model. The case study presents how the customer satisfaction level influences the developing…

Tools of Marketing Communication with Customers

Innovation in Marketing Strategies, Customer Engagement and Satisfaction: 36MKT 2020
The basis and a comprehensive part of the company's marketing efforts is a marketing communication. It is a strategy within a company or individual to reach the target market through various types of communication tools. Proper and effective marketing communication not only ensures the improvement…

Data Analysis for Gaining Insights on Customers’ Awareness About Quality of The Fish and Fishery Products

Innovation in Marketing Strategies, Customer Engagement and Satisfaction: 36MKT 2020
The research targets to get information regarding the fish and fishery products consumption, preference and the factors that influence the decision to buy, in association with the socio-economic characteristics of the consumers and to make an assessment of how the availability of information related to…

The postmodern consumer and connected objects: Theoretical framework and proposal for a conceptual model

Innovation in Marketing Strategies, Customer Engagement and Satisfaction: 36MKT 2020
Over the last decade, technological innovations and the Internet have significantly influenced global consumer markets, with investments in IoT (Internet of Things) reaching $3 billion by 2020. IoT devices, ranging from smart mattresses to fitness wearables, enhance user experiences but face challenges like perceived utility,…