Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Comparison of Selected National Approaches to Crisis Management Authorities ‘Exercises

Challenges and Strategies in Defense, Crisis Management, and Leadership in Military: 40MIL 2022
One of the key means of crisis management is an exercise used to test the functionality and feasibility of approved standards and procedures as well as the skills and training of crisis management authorities and Integrated Rescue Service components. The article provides a comparison of foreign…

Method For Determining the Set of Acceptable Project Portfolios of a Company with Limited Resources

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
The dynamic growth of businesses and the increase in market competition is causing organisations to increasingly choose to diversify the ventures they pursue. Such an approach inherently forces decisions to select for implementation ventures that are not only in line with the company's strategy but…

New Approaches to The Study of Fraud In Russia: Challenges of The Economy – The Answer of Science

Research in Sustainability and World Economies: 40ECO 2022
Modern Russian economic science pays special attention to research in the field of corporate fraud and fraud in the field of public procurement. The article contains description of the current challenges of the modern Russian economy in terms of detecting and preventing fraudulent activities. The…

Local Cultural Policy and Its Implementation – Looking for the Optimal Systemic Solution

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
The aim of the study is to identify the relationship between the city (local authorities/administration) and the directors of cultural institutions (museums, theaters, art centers, …) in the light of the Agency theory and Stewardship theory. The study aims to provide new knowledge in answering…

A Systematic Literature Review of Machine Learning Methods for Predicting Election Results Based on Social Media Platforms

Methods and Applications in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: 40AI 2022
To develop more effective methods of predicting election results, many scientists have turned to Machine Learning methods based on data collected from social media. We performed a systematic literature review on that subject to answer our research questions. The questions were focused around data sources…

Changes in Working Conditions in Hospitals During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Evaluations of Doctors and Nurses

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Human Resources: COVID40HR 2022
Despite the current problems in the health sector, including the COVID-19 pandemic, which affect the lack of medical personnel in health care facilities, their departure to other spheres of employment, guessing work in regions or cities with more advanced infrastructure, or migration for work abroad,…

Drivers of the Attitude Shift Towards Work

Research in Contemporary HR Strategies and Workplace Dynamics: 40HR 2022
The aim of this article is to indicate the determinants of the shift of attitudes towards work in XXI century, at its core is the questioning of the cultural symbol signified by the watchword (idea) of self-fulfilment adopted from A. Maslow's theory of needs. By…

Distribution of Hazardous Materials in The European Union in The Context of The Implementation of Transport Processes

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
The article deals with the analysis of the transport process on the example of hazardous materials transportation. The purpose of the article is to characterize the distribution network of hazardous materials in the European Union in the context of the implementation of transport processes with…

Impact of COVID-19 on Students’ Psychological Safety

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education and e-learning: COVID40EDU 2022
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has forced a number of changes in the sphere of socio-economic life. Health security, coupled with the mission of community education, has necessitated the introduction of hybrid, or remote, learning. The reorganisation of the previous education formula created a…

Diversity In the Training of Specific Skills, Educational Management Strategy in Rural Areas, Examples of Good Practices

Research in Contemporary HR Strategies and Workplace Dynamics: 40HR 2022
The present research propose to analyze the diversity in the training of specific skills methodology which consists of a set of processes, which are distinct but somehow related coherent, to guide the articulation of initiatives in local development as well as the identification and implementation…
