Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Explosive Chinese Giants: From Accounting Opacity to Threats for The Global Stock Market. The Case of Chinese Tech Companies

Financial Management and Accounting Practices: 40ACC 2022
The differences in accounting standards, which are reflected in the change of the approach to valuation and revaluation of assets, essential differentiation in the regulation of audit procedures, etc., are increasingly causing the distrust of specific markets at the expert’s level. This is especially felt…

Assessing The Validity of The Going Concern in The Financial Reports of Listed Companies During The COVID-19 Pandemic and The Conflict in Ukraine on The Example of Companies in The Construction Industry

Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Countries Around the World: COVID40ECO 2022
The paper is focused on the assessing the validity of the going concern statements during the Covid 19 pandemic and war in Ukraine. Difficult time in the economy, supply chain disruptions, pandemic lock downs and quarantine absences together with rising risks caused by  the Ukraine…

Budgeting In Production Company

Financial Management and Accounting Practices: 40ACC 2022
The management principles became the basis for the development of standard costing. Standard costs are usually associated with a manufacturing company's costs of direct material, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead. Rather than assigning the actual costs of direct material, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead to…

Level of Study Competencies Focusing on Writing Ability

Financial Management and Accounting Practices: 40ACC 2022
The "Professional Accountants - The Future" report by ACCA identified the key forces driving change and the critical future skills for accountants working in public practice. The report which was issued in 2016 recommended that for an accountant to be effective to their employers and…

Interdependence of Hedge Accounting Effects and profitability of Banks during the Covid-19 Pandemic – Evidence from Banks in Croatia

Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Countries Around the World: COVID40ECO 2022
As many of the bank's customers faced financial difficulties during the COVID-19 pandemic, the banks were significantly exposed to the rising credit risk and probability of default by their customers. To prevent excessive recognition of impairment losses in banks and maintain the stability of the…

Methodological Approach to Assessing the Activities of a Social Enterprise on Emerging Markets

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
The article considers the features of social entrepreneurship in the context of the emergence of climate crisis in developing countries. The measurement of performance and impact at different levels are among the most important challenges for studies in the field of social enterprises. The article…

Augmentations and Domain Adaptation for Image Segmentation Tasks

Methods and Applications in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: 40AI 2022
The automatic segmentation of X-ray images of the lung is a crucial tool for medical professionals to have in order to effectively diagnose and treat illnesses. We propose a development environment that may make artificial intelligence available to everyone so that everyone will be able…

Evaluating The Work of Mobile Application Designers That How They Overcome The Difficulties of Visually Impaired People

Mobile Application Design, Testing, and Development: 40SE 2022
In this modern age, mobile phones have become the most user-friendly and popular device in the world. These mobile phones offer several applications that meet the needs of the visually impaired (VIP). Complexity Navigation, persistent layout, inappropriate input methods, device-to-device interactions, and different factors ignored…

An Analysis of IP Routing Mechanism Security

Innovations in Network Technologies and Health Monitoring Systems: 40ICT 2022
IP packet routing processes are a key element of Internet communication. The task of the routing mechanisms is to choose the optimal packet route. Optimizing the choice of the route from the sender to the recipient requires adjusting many factors such as availability, delay, efficiency…

Health Monitoring of Adults with Brain Diseases Using Shoe Pressure Sensors

Innovations in Network Technologies and Health Monitoring Systems: 40ICT 2022
The use of digital technologies in combination with evidence-based medicine contributes to treatment efficiency and personalized patient intervention. The ALAMEDA project proposes monitoring solution for people with brain disorders by combining multiple sensors and specific applications. This paper presents the study realised in the ALAMEDA…