Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


The Accounting Professional’s Competency Gaps

Financial Management and Accounting Practices: 40ACC 2022
This paper reviews the accounting education literature focusing on the supply of and demand for accounting professional’s competencies. The main objective is to identify the adjustment between the university and the market and present a conceptual framework representing our findings. Through a critical literature review,…

The Costs Concerning the Manufacturing of Hybrid 3D Printer

Financial Management and Accounting Practices: 40ACC 2022
In the last decade, the additive manufacturing 3D printers knew a great development and their used in industry became impetuously necessary. The motive behind the study was the market of cheap 3d printers, knowing that the FDM, DLP and SLA technologies are in continuous growth,…

Optimization of Transmission in The Satellite System For Determined Locations of The Ground Station

Innovations in Network Technologies and Health Monitoring Systems: 40ICT 2022
In most cases, the exchange of business information is carried out via fixed fiber optic links or wireless links (mobile telephony). In special cases, when business activity is conducted in places with no access to developed telecommunications infrastructure, the only solution is to use satellite…

Adaption Blockchain Technology in Patient Health Records in Saudi Arabia

Innovations in Network Technologies and Health Monitoring Systems: 40ICT 2022
People's health depends on having an up-to-date personal health record (PHR) system. In the e-Health and m-Health age, achieving a trustworthy PHR system is still a problem due to data integration from various EHRs, data interoperability, and ensuring that access to data is completely within…

Synchronization Between Local and Remote Database on The Example of The Mobile Application of The Idvictim System

Innovations in Network Technologies and Health Monitoring Systems: 40ICT 2022
This paper describes an approach to synchronization between the Room database of an Android system and a remote database, which is accessible with the use of the REST API. The proposed approach presents its own solution implemented in the IDVIctim system for recording the victims…

Simulation Studies of Systems Handling Different Streams of Multi-Service Traffic With Priorities

Innovations in Network Technologies and Health Monitoring Systems: 40ICT 2022
The paper proposes the use of digital simulation as a tool to approximate telecommunications systems that handle traffic with different priorities. In addition, the proposal presented takes into account multiclassing, streaming, elasticity and adaptability of offered traffic. The simulation has been written in the C#…

Spreadsheets As a Tool for Operational Budgeting in Polish Companies: A Qualitative Study

Financial Management and Accounting Practices: 40ACC 2022
The paper aims to determine the quality of information and the quality of spreadsheets as a IT tools used for operational budgeting in Polish companies. Author conducted a survey based on standardized questionnaires to characterize operational budgeting systems, measure the quality of IT tool and…

A Simulation Study on The Influence of The Call Push-Out Scenarios on Traffic Effectiveness of Multi-Service Network Nodes

Innovations in Network Technologies and Health Monitoring Systems: 40ICT 2022
This paper is devoted to the investigation on   the impact of traffic prioritization mechanisms on the efficiency of multiservice network nodes. In addition, the article presents the most important algorithms and mechanisms used to create the simulation environment used in the research study. The article…

Data Collection in Smartwatches: A Practical Approach for Detection of Changes in Heartbeat in Medical Applications

Innovations in Network Technologies and Health Monitoring Systems: 40ICT 2022
Thanks to the benefits of the popularisation of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the increased number of owners of devices such as smartwatches, among others, it is possible to monitor people's vital signs in real time. This also makes it possible to continuously monitor…

Assessment of the Operation of An Educational Institution During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Education and e-learning: COVID40EDU 2022
The author of the publication presents the activities undertaken by the University during the COVID-19 pandemic, which covered all areas of social life, including the education process. The article also presents the assessment of these activities made by the management and employees of the University.…