Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Communication In a Social Security Threat Situation

Security, Regulation, and Legal Frameworks in the Digital Age: 40LAW 2022
The term “social security threat” appears rather rarely in publications on security. The terms that readers can normally find include cultural, civilisation and psychosocial threats. The phenomenon of social threats concerns all situations  where there is a risk of loss of life and health, national…

Communication Competences as An Important Element of Social Security

Security, Regulation, and Legal Frameworks in the Digital Age: 40LAW 2022
Modern life means dynamics and variability, and enjoying the benefits of the seemingly unrestricted civilisational development may be burdened with many threats. Human survival and development require the sense of security, which makes flexibility and readiness for continuous change an essential disposition which must be…

Possible Ecological Impact of Varnishes and Paints Used In The Funeral Industry

Security, Regulation, and Legal Frameworks in the Digital Age: 40LAW 2022
One of today’s world’s biggest issues is the impact that various industries have on the environment. In the face of a constantly growing demand for different products, every industry should be concerned about its effect on the natural ecosystem. One of many industry branches facing…

Estimating Financial Risk in The Era of Hyper Volatility

Research in Financial Markets, Regulation, and Corporate Finance in a Changing Landscape: 40FIN 2022
The article presents and conditionally evaluates the effectiveness of the currently used risk estimation method based on the VaR method. The author notes that the changes that have taken place in the global economy in the last decade have resulted in an increase in volatility…

Sensemaking Theory in Explaining Causal Relationships In Qualitative Data

Security, Regulation, and Legal Frameworks in the Digital Age: 40LAW 2022
Sensemaking refers to the process where ‘people generate what they interpret’. The premises of Sensemaking Theory could help researchers to examine the process of human interactions, which sets around the processes of noticing, interpreting, and engaging in action. Thus, Sensemaking Theory provides a theoretical argument…

Analysis And Forecasting of State Information Security Indicators

Security, Regulation, and Legal Frameworks in the Digital Age: 40LAW 2022
In the national security system of the state, special attention is paid to information security, which at the present stage is one of the main guarantees for ensuring the country's competitiveness in world markets and the growth of its international authority. To study the threats…

The Polish Contribution to Enhance the Culture of Medical Security

Security, Regulation, and Legal Frameworks in the Digital Age: 40LAW 2022
We are the first Polish scientists to be commissioned by the International Atomic Energy Agency Department of Nuclear Security to conduct a nuclear security culture self-assessment study in hospital. We conducted the Coordinated Research Project (CRP) in collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency and…

Regulating Content on The Internet – The Way Forward: A Discussion

Security, Regulation, and Legal Frameworks in the Digital Age: 40LAW 2022
Online freedoms are seen as inseparable parts of liberal democracies. In the contemporary world, not only in India or US but in many other countries, there are many people who use social media platforms and digital news outlets as analternative to traditional media which consists…

Verification of Challenges and Threats in Normative Documents Regulating the Cybersecurity of The State

Challenges and Strategies in Defense, Crisis Management, and Leadership in Military: 40MIL 2022
The article presents hazards and indicates opportunities and risks highlighted in the documents standardising cyberspace functioning. The author made an attempt to answer the following question: How are the state’s cybersecurity challenges and hazards characterised in normative documents? Since the emergence of the Internet, different…

Positive Organizational Behaviour: Key to Flourishing in a Pandemic

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Organizational Management: COVID40MGT 2022
Positive Organizational Behaviour (POB) offers insight into an individual’s positive psychological capacities that can be built through training and other interventions. The current paper discusses four key positive psychological capacities in POB, known as the ‘HERO’ constructs, that can provide solutions to organizational challenges and…