Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Analysis of the Impact of Spare Parts Availability on Information Flow in The Supply Chain

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
Analysis of management and information flow in an enterprise and its supply chain is an extremely complex issue. The specificity of manufacturing companies, which guarantee the continuity of production by ensuring the availability of spare parts for production needs, is a very complex research problem.…

Promotion of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to The North American Market by Shenzhen DJI Innovation Technology Co., Ltd

Research in Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategies - Global Perspectives: 40MKT 2022
The global market for unmanned aerial vehicles has been growing rapidly for over 10 years, and the market is forecast to continue to grow strongly in the coming years. The centers of development of the unmanned aerial vehicles market today are the markets of North…

Visualization of Air Quality Movement for Health Care Sector

Research in Information Technology - Transformations and Challenges Across Industries: 40ISM 2022
In 2020, A new form of coronavirus pneumonia has ravaged the world. The epidemic has not only hit the economy hard, but has also had a significant impact on air quality. COVID-19 virus' primary target is the human respiratory system. Air quality is most relevant…

Preparation Laboratory Experiment for Medical Transportation with Drones – Switzerland

Research in Information Technology - Transformations and Challenges Across Industries: 40ISM 2022
The healthcare sector in Switzerland is under big pressure concerning cost efficiency. Modern technologies such as drones aim for an improvement of this efficiency. In order to get an idea of the applicability of the use of drones in Healthcare in Switzerland, we conducted the…

Cybersecurity In Small and Medium Logistics Companies in Poland

Research in Information Technology - Transformations and Challenges Across Industries: 40ISM 2022
The article analyzes the role and importance of cyber security for small and medium-sized logistics companies in Poland. The analysis focuses on the essence and scope of cybersecurity at the level of a logistics company and the ways of perceiving the role and importance of…

The Role of The Process of Knowledge Management In Building the Safety Culture

Research in Information Technology - Transformations and Challenges Across Industries: 40ISM 2022
This paper presents the basic issues related with the process of knowledge management in the context of building and developing the safety culture. As the purpose of her deliberations, the author decided to highlight the issue of human resources, specifically workers' intrinsic characteristics which, when…

Technological Progress as A Source of Threat to Adults Aged 45+

Research in Information Technology - Transformations and Challenges Across Industries: 40ISM 2022
The problems with technological progress described in this paper show that appropriate remedial actions need to be taken.  Appropriately prepared and organised adult education can be the right response. Known since the 17th century and considered a 20th century phenomenon, it can prove to be…

Analysis of the Relationship Between Regional Development And EU Structural Funds

Research in Sustainability and World Economies: 40ECO 2022
This article analyzes the concept of regional development, in its various approaches and the relationship with the structural funds of EU. Regional economic development is the result of the sustainable use of the economic resources available to a region and is related to the achievement…

Evaluation of Methods for Data Imputation in Time Series of Meteorological Variables of Northern Chile Using Data Analysis Techniques

Methods and Applications in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: 40AI 2022
The study of climate change through extreme climate indicators to mitigate its effects has become significantly relevant in recent years. These indicators require temperature and precipitation data from weather stations for their calculation, their completeness being essential. Unfortunately, in the case of Northern Chile, the…

Managers’ Decisions Concerning the Choice of Funding Sources in Conditions of Uncertainty on Financial Markets

Research in Sustainability and World Economies: 40ECO 2022
This paper aims to present the problems of optimisation of corporate financing structure. The knowledge of theoretical findings in this respect helps managers maximise the value of their enterprise and identify threats related to excessive financing with debt capital. The uncertainty on the markets resulting…