Latest Communications of International Proceedings articles


Dimensions of the Industry 4.0 Implementation In Manufacturing Industry: Literature Review

Research in Information Technology - Transformations and Challenges Across Industries: 40ISM 2022
Digital transformation, digitalization, Industry 4.0 solutions implementation, changes in business models - all those became a requirement for organizations due to recent world situation – lack of resources, broken logistic chains, higher competitiveness and excessive costs. Step by step, fourth industrial revolution influences more and…

Analysis of the Perception About the Use of a Technological Platform For SME Management

Research in Information Technology - Transformations and Challenges Across Industries: 40ISM 2022
In Peru, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) present severe difficulties using and adopting new technologies, in addition to problems of access to business management systems. Through a qualitative analysis process, this research analyzes the perception for the use of a technological platform for the management…

The Meaning of Labor Costs in The Development of Microenterprises in Poland

Research in Sustainability and World Economies: 40ECO 2022
The aim of the article is to present the structure of labor costs in Poland and to analyze the fiscal conditions in the development of micro-enterprises in selected European Union countries. The introductory part uses the method of analyzing literature and legal acts, while the…

The Essence of Using Photovoltaic Panels in A Household to Produce Energy for Electric Vehicles

Evaluating Energy Security, Sustainability, and Innovation in a Global Context: 40NRGECO 2022
The literature on the subject emphasizes the key advantage of electromobility is that to a large extent the owner of an electric vehicle can decide how much fuel, i.e. electricity, will cost it. Currently, owners of electric cars can use both the public infrastructure for…

The Contribution ICT in the Tunisian Economic Growth

Research in Sustainability and World Economies: 40ECO 2022
This article examines the impact of communication and information technologies (TIC), on the economic growth, on the level of the Tunisian framework. Initially, we tried to make a sweeping of the literature on the theory and the concept of the economic growth. Indeed, and thanks…

Trends in the Design of Technical Products from the perspective of TTS

Research in Business Innovation, Management, and Performance: 40MGT 2022
Technical Products are constantly being innovated. This fact can be observed in the development and transformation of almost all Technical Products (TS). In some areas of Technical Product development, there is minimization, automation, digitization or even the involvement of artificial intelligence in the actual design…

Institutional And Regulatory Failures – Obstacles to PV Electricity Prosuming Households in Bulgaria

Evaluating Energy Security, Sustainability, and Innovation in a Global Context: 40NRGECO 2022
There is a huge potential for clean power production from solar energy. The current paper focuses on some impediments to electricity household prosumption in Bulgaria. In particular, it zooms in on several controversial, ill-conceived or delayed energy regulations as well some institutional failures to enforce…

How Website Heatmap Software Can Be Used in Websites to Better Understand the User BehaviourHow Website Heatmap Software Can Be Used in Websites to Better Understand the User Behaviour

Trends in Digital Marketing and Consumer Behavior: 40eMKT 2022
Neuromarketing evaluates customer behaviour to marketing stimuli via research of the human brain. A heatmap is a website monitoring device that measures consumer interest on a webpage. A heatmap presents the descriptive statistics of attentiveness by superimposing a colour scheme pattern over the picture's features…

Testing Business Models for Paid Mobile App: An Empirical Study

Mobile Application Design, Testing, and Development: 40SE 2022
This paper explores the issues relating to the analysis of business models by mobile app developers. The research objective is to determine which pricing model for internal services in mobile applications is optimal. An experimental study of the market for paid mobile applications and games…

Transport Planning Model in Relation Between Public Transport Authority and Public Transport Operators

Challenges and Innovations in Transportation Management and Sustainability: 40Transp 2022
The growing importance of public transport in cities forces changes in the organization and planning of transport. In the established standard of division of competences between the public transport authority (organizer, PTA) and public transport operators (carriers, PTO), along with the intensification of dynamic transport…