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Bank Efficiency Evaluation: Evidence from a Panel of Romanian Banks

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The focus of our research is on the Romanian banking sector, analysing if, over the period 2002 to 2009, foreign banks have been more efficient than their domestic peers, as foreign banks can benefit from the experience and superior know-how of their parent banks and…

Elements of Relational Contract in the Delivery of Public Infrastructure in Malaysia

IBIMA Business Review
The involvement of private concessionaire in the delivery of public infrastructure worldwide is apparent in reducing the budgetary burden on the government’s part specifically due to the major downturn in the global economy. Their involvement varies from concessionaire, privatization to partnerships. Looking at the most…

Effects of Industry Type on ICT Adoption among Malaysian SMEs

Journal of Supply Chain and Customer Relationship Management
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has been widely regarded as an enabler to boost the competitive level of SMEs in the business arena. Notwithstanding the many efforts undertaken by governments to promote ICT adoption among SMEs across different types of industries, many of them failed…

A Roadmap towards Service-Oriented Enterprise

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
In the current economic context, enterprises are struggling to obtain competitive advantages on the market, by exploiting the opportunities offered by information technology. The research in this paper aims to encourage the use of modern approaches in order to increase enterprise agility, through the transition…

Behavioral Intention towards the Use of 3G Technology

Communications of the IBIMA
Nowadays, 3G technologies provide people with higher wireless bandwidth, audio and video services, as well as mobile internet access all in one mobile environment. The information technology industry needs to understand why people prefer this technology, which variables and opportunities convinced them to use it.…

Bankruptcy Prediction Model for Listed Companies in Romania

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
Z-score model is one of the most frequently used model for early financial failure warning and considers various financial ratios selected as prediction variables.The purpose of this paper is to use multivariant discriminant analysis (MDA) to substantiate a score function effective in bankruptcy risk prediction…

Accounting Reporting in Banks: The Case in Egypt and the UAE Before and after the Financial Crisis

Journal of Accounting and Auditing: Research & Practice
Banks in many countries including those in Egypt and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) suffered losses —at various degrees- as a result of the world financial crisis (started in 2006 by the US credit crisis). This stimulated the researcher to raise a question: Could accounting…

Technology Transfer and International Integration of Developing Countries: An Empirical Investigation of Tunisian’s Case

Journal of African Research in Business & Technology
The objective of this paper is to elucidate empirically the relationship between technology transfer, productivity growth and integration of the Tunisian economy emphasizing the issued technology on the one hand and the absorptive capacity of Tunisia, on the other. Indeed, technology transfer is far from…

The International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and Financial Stability: The Case of Russian and East Asian Financial Crises

Journal of Economics Studies and Research
The role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) in providing financial stability to countries with financial problems has received conflicting views from different social and political groups. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether these two international organizations…

The Key Drivers of Online Consumers’ Intention to Purchase in an Online Auction: A Reference from Southeast Emerging Market

Journal of Internet and e-business Studies
The increase in the number of online sales, such as shopping website and online auction is due to the explosion of the World Wide Web in the last decades. In very short time, the Web has changed the way of people communicate each other, search…