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Internet of Things as a Digital Transformation Driver in the Finnish Manufacturing Technology Industry

Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practice
The aim of the study was to determine the state and trends of digital transformation in the Finnish manufacturing technology industry and its impact on a company’s competitive edge from the perspective of the Internet of Things. The research was conducted as a case study…

The Determinants of Youth Integration in the Romanian Labour Market

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The social inclusion of young people has been a major issue in recent times. Employment is essential for social integration - with a quality job young people are stimulated to increase their economic potential, to develop their knowledge and skills, and to contribute to the…

Definition and Categorization of E-Government Capabilities: Lessons Learned from a Canadian Public Organization

Journal of e-Government Studies and Best Practices
Developing e-government projects requires leveraging and/or deploying various types of capabilities. The goal of this paper is to identify, define and categorize the capabilities needed for a successful e-government development. Based on St-Amant and Renard’s (2004) knowledge repository of e-administration and an in-depth case study…

Industrial Infrastructure of Moscow: Functional Condition and Development Opportunities

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The article considers sectoral, regional, country and international levels of development of industrial infrastructure.The basic problems of development of industrial infrastructure in the world are analyzed.A disproportion between the construction of new facilities and the maintenance of already constructed facilities is revealed.The analysis of the…

The Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee Engagement in Saudi Banks

Journal of Human Resources Management Research
The Saudi Banking industry is an important component of Saudi Arabia Economy. In the view of the high volume of business activities, Saudi Banks are keen to encourage employee participation and employee engagement. These behaviours will help banks in managing their business activities and business…

Specific Characteristics of Accounting Information for Business Management

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The significant position of accounting is its ability to record the actual business activity and to evaluate achieved results. Accounting information has a pragmatic use at all stages of the management process. Accounting is a comprehensive information system that provides information about an economic situation…

Overview of China’s Automotive Tax Scheme: Current Situation, Potential Problems and Future Direction

Journal of Southeast Asian Research
Automotive industry acts as a pillar industry in national economy and plays a key role in China’s manufacturing industrial upgrading. Meanwhile, taxation is the essential economic leverage for the government to impose macro-control over the market. In view of this, China’s tax scheme on domestic…

Comprehensive Evaluation on the Influence of Retailer’s Characteristics on Online Purchasing Intention – a Thematic Review

Journal of Internet and e-business Studies
The way of transact between buyer and seller has been changed due to the development of Internet and socio economic activities. The interest of touring a bodily shop has been changed with the aid of on line purchasing and outlets can now effortlessly reach international…

An Exploratory Study of Women’s Entrepreneurship in Morocco

Journal of Entrepreneurship: Research & Practice
Actually Female Entrepreneurship is considered by many researchers and economists as a major contributing factor to the growth of an economy. In Morocco, Female Entrepreneurship is still relatively young and there have been few studies conducted in this area.This article presents the results of an…

Dynamic Loyal Customer Behavior for Community Formation: A Network Science Perspective

Journal of Internet and e-business Studies
Online health information platforms (e.g., WebMD, healthtap) have become popular as they make health information accessible to large crowds. These platforms provide users with a set of communication services that trigger formation of ties as there are thousands of registered users, visitors or physicians, with…