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Female Youth in Street Trading: Implications for Sexual Harassment in HIV/AIDS Risky Environment

Journal of South African Business Research
The study examined the exposure of young girls to street harassment in the urban centres of Nigeria and implications for the incidence of HIV/AIDS and economic empowerment.  A ‘non-participatory direct observation approach coupled with quantitative secondary data was used.  Quantitative data was extracted from a…

Relationship between ABO Blood Groups and Helicobacter Pylori Infection among Patients with Dyspepsia

Journal of Virology and Microbiology
The aim of this study was the detection of H. pylori infection in patients with various gastrointestinal symptoms as related to blood groups and Rhesus factor. A total of 200 patients, 110 males and 90 females, whose age ranged from 18-75 years were included in…

Exploring the Usage of the Mobile Phones by SMEs in the Achievement of Vision 2020 Goals

Journal of Mobile Technologies, Knowledge and Society
This research seeks to  investigate the usage of mobile phones by the  rural SMEs  to  achieve the vision2020 goals, with a specific focus on good governance, poverty alleviation and, health, education, human resource and empowerment. There is relatively little known about the use of mobile…

Predicting Economic Crisis using Financial to Real Sector Disproportion: Theory and Evidence

Journal of Economics Studies and Research
The paper analyzes the possibility of implementing the financial/real sector ratio as a predictor of economic crisis using evidence based upon US economy data (volumes of financial and real sectors of the economy estimated for each year between 1867 and 2014). The study suggests that…

Labour Tax Effects on Labour Market Outcomes in the European Union

Journal of Economics Studies and Research
In the current economic context, the fiscal reforms in the EU Member States should primarily concern the stability of public finances, economic growth and competitiveness, employment growth and social equity. Many Member States continue to undertake actions in order to reform the tax system, but…

Work-Life Balance Reality among Czech Managers: Staying Halfway

Journal of Electronic Banking Systems
While developed companies have for a long time, due to efficiency and competitiveness, facilitated better reconciliation of work and family life of their employees; in reality in the Czech Republic these business solutions are still not at the level achieved in other countries. In our…

Daily Usage of Smartphones – New Activities for Kenyan Elite Runners

Journal of Mobile Technologies, Knowledge and Society
This paper analyzes how a group of Kenyan elite runners used smartphones in their daily activities for one year. This study used a participatory action research approach to explore 30 young Kenyan runners’ appropriation and day-to-day use of smartphones. The runners lived in two different…

CSR of State-Owned Companies in a European Developing Country — The Case of Romania

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
The aim of this paper is an investigation of CSR in state-owned companies (SOCs) from a specific sector and in a particular context of a European developing country, Romania, where CSR is not mandatory. This research was conducted through the completion of questions and by…

What are the Links between Societal Piloting Performance, Management Control System and Competitive Advantage in the Tunisian Companies?

Journal of Organizational Management Studies
This research examines the effects of management control system on corporate societal responsibility and competitive advantage.  Through a questionnaire, survey was conducted at 306 Tunisian companies; the data collected are processed using exploratory and confirmatory analysis by the methods of structural equations. The results are…

Improving the Use of E-learning in Health Care Curricula: Presentation of best Practices

Journal of e-health Management
E-learning is nowadays included in different health care curricula. However, this learning and teaching approach is still relatively underused in the health care study programmes. Hence, the goal of this article is to present three e-learning best practices in health care, which were validated in…