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In Vitro and in Vivo Densitometric Analysis of DNA Content and Chromatin Texture in Nuclei of Tumor Cells under the Influence of a Nano composite and Magnetic Field

Advances in Cancer Research & Treatment
DNA content and chromatin texture of interphase nuclei in MCF-7 and Guerin carcinoma cells that are sensitive or resistant to chemotherapeutic agents in the setting of the treatment with cisplatin, nanocomposite and static magnetic field have been analyzed. The results obtained indicate that chemotherapy agents…

Investigating the Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction and Turnover:Case of Sultan Qaboos University

Journal of Human Resources Management Research
Job satisfaction has received wide attention as one of the core elements of an organization that is successful in achieving its purposes.  This study aims to investigate the job satisfaction of Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) administrative staff by measuring the job satisfaction level of non-academic…

Bio-Material Analyses of Two Canola Cultivars Applied with Foliar Surfactant

International Journal of Renewable Energy & Biofuels
This study explores canola production in the south eastern United States in order to successfully adapt to the market demand for high valued oilseeds. Two primary objectives were established, determining yield response, and oil quality of harvested seed. Two canola cultivars were evaluated for production…

Tunable Mixed Oxides: Efficient Agents for the Simultaneous Trans-Esterification of Lipids and Esterification of Free Fatty Acids from Bio-Oils for the Effective Production of Fames

International Journal of Renewable Energy & Biofuels
In this paper we describe our approach to solve  the problem of the simultaneous trans-esterification of lipids (that requires a basic catalyst) and esterification of FFAs (that requires an acid catalyst) using mixed oxides ad hoc prepared. New mixed oxides based on calcium, cerium and…

Foundations of the Evaluation of Export Performance by the Leaders of SME: Construction of a Measurement Scale

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
Based on the emergent searches concerning the definition, the dimensions and the measurement of international marketing performance of the SME, the present article has for objective to propose a measurement scale of international marketing performance. The literature shows that authors use objective indicators or/and subjective…

Levels of Knowledge in the Area of Corporate Governance in the Czech Republic

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The paper introduces the basic concept of Corporate Governance with emphasis on the education of members of corporate governance bodies. The introduction defines three levels of knowledge, management board and supervisory board members in the corporate governance. The main objective of the research was to…

The Effects of Mobile Devices on Children Social Communication Behaviours in Oman: An Assessment of Parents’ Happiness and Awareness

Journal of Mobile Technologies, Knowledge and Society
This research aimed to assess the impacts of mobile devices on children’s social communication behaviours in Oman. It endeavored to examine parents’ awareness of the risks of mobile devices on children, and their happiness about their children uses of the mobile devices. To achieve this,…

Comparative Value Relevance among Domestic Accounting Standards and IFRS: A Moroccan Stock Market Perspective

Journal of Accounting and Auditing: Research & Practice
The "value relevance" of the accounting data  has been the subject of an abundant literature, Bartov et al. , 2005 ; Barth et al. , 2008 ; Hung and Subramanyam, 2007, Van Tendeloo and Vanstraelen, 2005, have sought to demonstrate the superiority in terms of…

Managing obesity in pregnancy: Are psychological dimensions of behavioural change important to midwives and women?

Journal of Research in Obesity
Currently a quarter of British women are obese. It is well known that maternal obesity increases the risk of suboptimal pregnancy outcomes. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in the UK recommends that pregnant women should be given advice and support on…

Using Mapreduce for Efficient Parallel Processing of Continuous K nearest Neighbors in Road Networks

Journal of Software and Systems Development
  The problem of searching the continuous k Nearest Neighbor (CkNN) objects in road networks is a major challenge due to the highly dynamic nature of the road network environment. Also, the fast increasing number of moving objects poses a big challenge to the CkNN…