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Burkitt’s Lymphoma with Bilateral Cavernous Sinus Involvement: A Case Report

JMED Research
Burkitt’s lymphoma is the commonest childhood malignancy in tropical Africa and is rare outside of Africa. Cavernous sinus lymphoma is a rare occurence and Burkitt’s lymphoma  of the cavernous sinus is uncommon. We review the case of a 52-year-old non-african and immuno-competent woman who developed…

The Effect of Personality Traits and Beliefs on the Relationship between Injury Severity and Subsequent Sport Risk-Taking among Adolescents

Pediatrics Research International Journal
In winter sports, the high injury rate among adolescents raises questions about the way they practice their sport. It also raises interrogations on the impact of an injury on their behavior on the slopes. The few studies that looked at the relationship between previous injury…

Fluorescence Diagnostics for Lipid Status Monitoring of Microalgae during Cultivation

International Journal of Renewable Energy & Biofuels
To improve cultivation or extraction methods for maximum lipid yield, a fast and reliable quantitative determination of the lipid content of microalgae in cultivation medium is desirable. Here, we investigated the applicability of Nile red staining for a rapid quantification of neutral lipids in-vivo, without…

Synthesis and Characterization of Poly (N- Isopropylacrylamide) ZnO Nanocomposites for Textile Applications

Journal of Research in Nanotechnology
High performance polymers exhibiting multifunctional characteristics can be achieved by the introduction of inorganic nanoparticles like ZnO(Zinc oxide) into the functional polymers. In the present work a copolymer epoxy poly (dimethylacrylamide) was synthesized to disperse the ZnO nanoparticles. The aim of the work is to…

Wernicke’s Encephalopathy with Generalized Weakness In a Woman with Hyperemesis Gravidarum and Gestational Thyrotoxicosis: A Case Report of a Rare Co-Occurrence with Literature Review

International Journal of Case Reports in Medicine
Wernicke’s encephalopathy(WE) is an uncommon, yet, treatable and acute neuropsychiatric manifestation of thiamine deficiency which may often go undiagnosed .We report this case of a previously healthy 30 year old, non drinker, pregnant woman with hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) and gestational thyrotoxicosis(GT) who presented with a…

The Economic Crisis in the Mining Sector – Miners Perspective

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The present paper’s objective is to assess the perceptions and reactions of the employees' of Jiu Valley mine (Romania) related to the current crisis. For this, an interview protocol as work instrument was applied which contained 17 opinion and factual questions required for the structuring…

What Drives the Technical Inefficiency in the Tunisian Insurance Industry

Journal of Economics Studies and Research
The present paper is focused on estimating technical efficiency (TE) in the Tunisian insurance industry by means of DEA window methodology, while highlighting a window model parametric version. On a first stage, the achieved results emphasize well the persistence of a temporal heterogeneity in technical…

A Case Study of Employees’ Performance at Prime Group Vietnam

Journal of Human Resources Management Research
Improving performance is an important goal of modern management. The quality of the workforce is a deciding factor behind organizations’ success because employee performance has proven to have a significantly positive effect on their performance (Collis and Montgomery, 1995 pp. 118-128). There is a growing…

Process Improvements in Management Reporting

Journal of Financial Studies and Research
This paper illustrates how the process efficiency, the reporting relevance, reporting volume and the cost/benefit ratio of management reporting can be analyzed, benchmarked and improved. The proposed improvement process will be backed up with a case study and a survey made with 20 controllers and…

Advanced Methods of Mathematical Modelling and Their Use in the Inventory Management Model

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
The traditional descriptions of economic models use ordinary differential equations (ODE), but when admitting the argument delay in a given model it is necessary to realize description using functional differential equations. It turns out the solution of such a model is closer to reality. It…