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Hygienic Quality of Minced Meat Retailed in Western Algeria

Journal of Virology and Microbiology
The meat is regarded as one of the main sources of food-borne diseases; its evaluation can constitute a valuable source of information that can be used in the design of the collective prophylaxis programs in public health. The purpose of this study consisted in evaluating…

The Efficacy of Subgingivally Delivered Andrographis Paniculata Gel to Treat Patients with Periodontitis

Journal of Research and Practice in Dentistry
This study compared the clinical effects of scaling and root planing (SRP) after the adjunctive subgingival administration of Andrographis paniculata (AP) gel or placebo (PB) gel in a 6-month clinical trial for patients with chronic periodontitis. The study was a split-mouth, single-blind, randomized and controlled…

The Management of Children with Gastroesophageal Reflux and Respiratory Symptoms

International Journal of Gastroenterology Research and Practice
Research Motivation: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a well-recognised cause of respiratory symptoms in children. Confirming a diagnosis of reflux aspiration remains difficult, due to limitations in currently available investigations. The presence of pepsin in respiratory secretions has been documented in literature as a marker…

Rethinking the Roles of Professionalism and Administrative Acts in Organisations

Journal of South African Business Research
Organisations depend on the administrative process to carry out their goals and objectives, for the purposes of competitiveness and sustainability. As such, administrative functions are considered to be critical in the organisations. Hence, many organisations have little or no “room” for the malfunctioning of their…

Assessing the Connectedness between the Adoption of Ifrs and the Strength of Accounting Institutions in Nigeria

Journal of Accounting and Auditing: Research & Practice
The development and acceptance of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have made the decision of a country to embrace IFRS become a vitally important topic for researchers and standard setters. In this study, we examined association between the mandatory adoption of IFRS and Nigerian accounting…

Nutritional Supplements : Taste Preferences in Patients with Malignant Haematological Disease during Active Treatment

JMED Research
Background: Several studies have indicated that cancer patients have significantly altered taste sensitivity without specifying the preferences. One of the related problems is low compliance to nutritional therapy with oral nutritional supplements (ONS) in patients suffering severe weight loss. Objective: We wanted to investigate taste…

Corporate Image: A Strategy for Enhancing Customer Loyalty and Profitability

Journal of South African Business Research
Organizations are nowadays concerned with managing their corporate image. There is a strong positive correlation between people’s perceptions of a company and pro-corporate supportive behaviour. In this study, past researchers on corporate image were incorporated to create a platform for framework which identifies the variables…

The Impact of the Religiosity on the Advertising Persuasion: Context of the Political Marketing – Frame of Reflection and Try of Modelling-

Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
From the current political situation in the Arab world, resulted a smooth confrontation between modernity and radicalism. It’s a real identity crisis. Religion was even the core campaign’s means to gain sympathy and to attract the maximum of voters. The match between those two areas…

An Empirical Research on the Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility Ratings and U.S. Listed Companies’ Value

Journal of Economics Studies and Research
This paper examines the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) ratings and firm value, by using a sample of U.S. companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ Stock Market, over 2008-2011. The Corporate Social Responsibility Index (CSRI) developed by Boston College Center…

The Study on the Photocatalytic Degradation of Nicotine

Journal of Research & Developments in Chemistry
Nicotine belongs to a group of compounds being specific toxic anthropogenic contaminants. Highly carcinogenic nitrozamines are one of the possible products of photocatalytic oxidation of nicotine. The main objective of the present study was to investigate the photocatalytic degradation of nicotine and the intentification of…