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Trade Openness and Output Comovement in EU Emerging Countries: A Panel Data Approach

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
This paper analyses the impact of trade and financial openness on economic growth in case of some European Union emerging countries using static and dynamic panel data methods. The main findings indicate a positive effect of trade openness on GDP growth while the impact of…

Mediterranean Diet and Metabolic Syndrome in Adult Moroccan Women

Journal of Research in Obesity
The objective was to assess the relationship between adherence to Mediterranean dietary pattern (MDP) and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) in urban Moroccan adult women, living in an agricultural Mediterranean province; El Jadida. A random sample (n=182) of Moroccan women (18-55 years old) was…

The Effects of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Firms Dividend Payout Policy in Nigeria

Journal of Accounting and Auditing: Research & Practice
This article investigates the relationship between corporate governance mechanisms and the dividend payout policies of firms in Nigeria. To achieve the objectives of this study, a total of 50 listed firms were selected and analyzed for the study using the judgmental sampling technique. Also, the…

The Effect of Risk Management on Bank’s Financial Performance in Nigeria

Journal of Accounting and Auditing: Research & Practice
Financial management crisis around the world has proven that risk management practices are indispensable for organisations that aim at sustaining customer and shareholder patronage. The examples of Enron, WorldCom, Parmalat, Tyco, Barings Empire, Daiwa Bank debacle, and the recent N192 billion naira stimulation fund injected…

Multiple Extremity Blocks in a Multi Traumatic Patient

JMED Research
Objective: Regional anesthesia for operative procedures on extremities has lots of advantages over general anesthesia like sparing anesthetic drugs and mechanical ventilation, good postoperative analgesia, increased blood supply to the extremity. But sometimes regional anesthesia is indispensable because of the conditions like full stomach, difficult…

Labour Market Analysis in the Central and Eastern European Countries

Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics
Over the last twenty years, Central and Eastern European countries (CEE) experienced a specific pattern of economic and social evolution. In the post-communism period these countries have initiated a comprehensive process of catching-up the capitalist economies. This process involved a series of institutional reforms and…

Firm Size and Financial Performance: A Determinant of Corporate Governance Disclosure Practices of Nigerian Companies

Journal of Accounting and Auditing: Research & Practice
Corporate governance disclosure is a voluntary requirement for companies in Nigeria. Some companies have disclosed their level of adherence under a separate heading in the published financial reports of the company, while some do not report and some partly disclose their level of adherence. What…

Typology of Resistance to e Banking adoption by Tunisian

Journal of Electronic Banking Systems
Online banking is facing various types of resistance that may hinder its adoption by  consumers. This paper aim to identify barriers to the origin of non-adoption of e banking and to provide a better comprehension of online bankig non adoption it is based on a…

Maternal Smoking Predicts Larger Waist Circumference and Skin Fold Measures by Middle Childhood

JMED Research
Context: Experimental research using animals and correlational studies with humans provide strong evidence that exposure to gestational cigarette smoke can foster long-term risk for obesity and metabolic syndrome in offspring. Objective: To estimate the association between maternal smoking during pregnancy and the development of adiposity…

Harmonisation of National Regulations with International Standards Cash flows

Journal of Accounting and Auditing: Research & Practice
Harmonisation and convergence are important processes for increasing accounting comparability and transparency. The present article studies convergence of national regulations with international standards using Jaccard coefficients, regarding cash flows policies, and harmonisation of accounting regulations for cash flows on the London Stock Exchange companies, using …